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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Summer School “Sustainability of Political Systems in Eurasia”

29 August 20

Summer School “Sustainability of Political Systems in Eurasia”

Center for Advanced Studies contributes with lectures about digital transformation at Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityCredit: Lomonosov Moscow State University | All rights reserved

    Roland Benedikter, Co-Head of the Center for Advanced Studies and Michael de Rachewiltz, Researcher at the Center recently contributed to the Online Summer School of the Faculty of Political Science at Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Center for Crisis Society Studies on the topic “Sustainability of Political Systems in Eurasia”.

    The Online Summer School, which took place from 24 to 28 August 2020, focused on the crisis triggered by the corona pandemic, which had political, economic and social consequences for nation states. To counteract it, political expertise is needed at all levels of decision-making. During the course, particular attention was paid to the concept of "political stability" in the states of the former USSR in order to analyse the main risks posed by the current pandemic.

    One module was entirely devoted to the topic of digital transformations and their role in Eurasia. In this context Roland Benedikter spoke on the topic "Homo Deus: On the way to human-technology hybridisation? Digital Transformation and the advanced biotechnology industry (BCIs, BMIs, BBIs and B/CIs)", while Michael de Rachewiltz discussed the philosophy of digital transformation.

    Besides the two representatives of the Center for Advanced Studies, also Andrea Membretti, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Regional Development at Eurac Research, gave a lecture on the new compulsion for locality, new highlanders and sustainable development in post pandemic European mountains as part of the module "Climate Change and Green Economy in Eurasia". Walter Huber, founder of the Institute of Innovative Technologies H2 South Tyrol, emphasized the importance of hydrogen energy for a green future.

    The Center for Advanced Studies ot Eurac Research and the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University contribute stably to each other on global topics and themes of mutual interest on the basis of an official cooperation contract. The cooperation within the framework of the Summer School was one in a row of many previous and future projects which range from ongoing reciprocal visits to conference contributions, and from publication cooperations to teaching.

    The successful cooperation was renewed in the framework of the Lomonosov Faculty of Political Science Online Winter School of 14-18 December the same year.

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