Eurach Research

Lecture Series: The World in 2050

Perspectives on Justice, Equality, Democratization, and Education

    • Date: 08.02-04.07.2024, 14:00 h (06.06.24 | 16:00 h)
    • Place: on Teams
    • Typology: Online lecture series
    Credit: Eurac Research | Oscar Diodoro

    A Global UNESCO Chairs lecture series organized by the UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research

    Day by day, we witness the world undergo changes. The second edition of the UNESCO Chair Lecture Series aims to shed light on our social, economic, political, and ecological futures. To better equip ourselves for the challenges ahead, scientists from the world over will discuss social and climate justice, gender equality, democratization, and education.
    One of the major players in looking ahead is the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO. Based on its 2022-29 strategy to accomplish the goals of the UN Decade 2030, UNESCO proposes innovative approaches to re-imagining inter- and trans-disciplinary views on what the future might hold. The global lecture series “The World in 2050” connects UNESCO Chairs from different disciplines and continents to provide a comprehensive and joint vision of possible futures.


    All lectures will take place online via Microsoft Teams. The Teams link will be sent to your email address one week before the first lecture.
    Participation is free of charge.
    Language: English

    A certificate of attendance is available upon request to participants who have attended at least four lectures. Certificates must be requested by 01.02.2024 at the latest.


    08.02.2024 | 14:00

    Navigating the Future: How to Envision a Resilient World in 2050?

    Harald Pechlaner, Head of the Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy
    Roland Benedikter, UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy
    Maya Van Leemput, UNESCO Chair on Images of the Futures and Co-creation, Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium

    Video recording

    07.03.2024 | 14:00

    How Can Global Efforts Ensure Resilience and Sustainability Amidst Climate Change?

    Izael Da Silva, UNESCO Chair on Climate Change Resilience and Sustainability, Strathmore University, Kenya
    George Dikaios, Chair’s Senior Research Fellow, UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

    Video recording

    11.04.2024 | 14:00

    How Can Societies Achieve Gender Equality, Women’s Rights, Peace, and Security?

    Barbara Pozzo, UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Multicultural Society, University of Insubria, Italy
    Fotini Bellou, UNESCO Chair on Women, Peace and Security: Building Capacity and Resilience through Education and Research, University of Macedonia, Greece

    Video recording

    02.05.2024 | 14:00

    How to Prevent Discriminations and Inequalities through Education?

    Penny Jane Burke, UNESCO Chair in Equity, Social Justice and Higher Education, The University of Newcastle, Australia
    Tuija Turunen, UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity, University of Lapland, Finland

    Video recording

    06.06.2024 | 16:00

    Weaponizing Nature and Dehumanizing Humans: Notes for a Political Ecology of War

    Dario Padovan, UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management, University of Turin, Italy

    Video recording

    04.07.2024 | 14:00

    How Do We Move on from Here? Gaming as a Practical Approach for Our Futures

    Roland Benedikter, UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research, Bozen/Bolzano, Italy
    Shermon Cruz, UNESCO Chair on Anticipatory Governance and Regenerative Cities, Northwestern University, Philippines

    Video recording

    Past edition

    The video recordings of the 2023 edition of the lecture series can be found HERE.


    Eurac Research
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Drususallee 1 / Viale Druso 1
    39100 Bozen / Bolzano
    T +39 0471 055 801

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