
What is 8 March for?

Four researchers from Eurac Research address issues regarding gender dynamics: online hatred, the multiple forms of gender-based violence, the use of inclusive language and the issue of intersectionality.

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Date: 07.03.2023, 10:30 - 12:00
  • Place: online on Zoom
  • Typology: Webinar

Elisa Piras

Researcher in politics expert in International Relations, Center for Advanced Studies

Gender-based violence is a structural fact of all contemporary societies. What are the risks to the security of women and girls in conflict situations?

Katharina Crepaz

Politics and Health Researcher, Centre for Advanced Studies

The androsphere (or manosphere) refers to a network of misogynistic groups spreading hate online. Who are the actors involved, what are the dangerous messages they convey, and what is the role of social media in all this?

Elena Chiocchetti

Terminologist and translator, Institute for Applied Linguistics

In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about different non-discriminatory linguistic strategies. While humans can master them, how do machines deal with them? e.g., machine translation systems?

Alexandra Tomaselli

Legal researcher, Institute for Minority Rights

There is not just one form of discrimination. If we start from an intersectional point of view: what are the challenges and risks that women face when several aspects of their situation are intertwined?

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