Eurach Research

Advanced Computing

    In an era of ever-growing earth observation (EO) data this group has the main objective to research and implement innovative solutions for simply accessing and processing EO data. Our group helps researchers monitoring and understanding of environmental processes, by enabling them to fully capitalize on the potential of the available data, in the temporal, spatial and feature domain. The group further fosters EO data science by actively contributing to research and development in regional and international projects.

    Credit: Eurac Research

    Big Earth Observation Data Science

    This research line focuses on the scientific questions in the domain of computing technologies and software development for effective and efficient handling of EO data at scale. This includes research on the design and implementation of data cubes, on the fly processing, harmonization of access to heterogeneous data, integration of machine learning techniques and computing in cloud distributed environments.

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    Scientific Data Management and Processing

    This topic brings science into action by bridging the gap between researchers, data and their processing needs, in a demanding big data environment. At the Institute level, we are hosting and processing the full MODIS and ESA Sentinel Satellite data time series for the Alpine arc as well as data from many other EO satellites and sensors. To create an efficient environment for research, the group is operating both on a private infrastructure of scalable petabyte storage and high-performance computing and on public cloud service platforms. Encouraging the uptake of novel technology in a constant dialog with the researchers, the data and development cycles are adjusted to inform real-world problem solutions and related research questions.

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    The scientific publications of this research group are the following:

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    02-04.10.2023: EuroGEO Workshop 2023 Towards an integrated and convergent EuroGEOCredit: Eurac Research | Annelie Bortolotti

    02-04.10.2023: EuroGEO Workshop 2023 Towards an integrated and convergent EuroGEOCredit: Eurac Research | Annelie Bortolotti

    11.12.2024 Kick-off of the project HASTCredit: Eurac Research | Annelie Bortolotti
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    This video shows a sequence of True Color imagery from January to October 2016 over South Tyrol. The cycle of the season can be seen from the growing vegetation in the valleys and the snow cover changes on the mountains tops. Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2016]/ESA

    The evolution of snow state in Venosta Valley (BZ) throughout the years 2015 and 2016. The algorithm to retrieve snow state from a fusion of Sentinel-1 radar and optical MODIS imagery is implemented on Euracs openEO cloud infrastructure.Video: Eurac Research | Institute for Earth Observation, groups Advanced Computing for Earth Observation and Earth Observation for Environmental Monitoring

    This video shows an animation of the Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence over South Tyrol in 2017, used to generate a land cover classificationVideo: Eurac Research | Michele Claus

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    What we do

    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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