Center for Sensing Solutions - News & Events - 9th International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2023)
9th International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2023)
SEIA' 2023 is a forum for presentation, discussion, and exchange of information and latest research and development results in both theoretical and experimental research in sensors.
- Date: 20-22.09.2023
- Place: Madeira
- Info:
This conference brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from diverse fields including international scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes, and companies to present and discuss the latest results in the field of sensors and measurements.
Also our senior researcher Roberto Mendicino and our technichian Simone Tritini will take part with 2 speeches on the following topics: -"Geospatial Sensor-based Approach to Provide Defibrillators by Using Drones in Mountain Areas: A Study Case in South Tyrol, Italy" -"Development of a Smart Irrigation System for Apple Fields using a LoRaWAN Network"