Center for Sensing Solutions - News & Events - Climate Change and extreme events in the Alpine area: how to be prepared
Climate Change and extreme events in the Alpine area: how to be prepared
- Date: 13.12.2022, 9:30-17
- Place: Eurac Research, viale Druso 1, 39100 Bolzano and online
Our Institute is hosting the international conference “Climate Change and extreme events in the Alpine area: how to be prepared”
The workshop will be held Tuesday December 13th, 2022 from 9:30 to 17:00 at Eurac Research premises.
The event is organized within the framework of the TRANSALP Project, funded by the European Commission.
The event aims to increase preparedness of Alpine territories towards Climate Change and Extreme events risks by attracting the attention of local & regional Authorities and Policy Makers on threats, but also on available instruments and opportunities.
More information about the project are here below