Eurach Research
28 April 23


EGU conference is taking place this week and in this context our senior researcher Abraham Mejia Aguilar was able to illustrate our multiscale approach to detect pests such as the pine processionary and bark beetle in the forests of South Tyrol.

    Many are the projects and services in which our Centre is currently involved with forestry activities in the direction of pest detection and monitoring using UAV-based spectroscopy and sensing applications. Our researchers are acquiring great deal of data and fundamental knowledge to make a valuable contribution to parasite control, both in forestry and agriculture. Our preliminary results for pine processionary and bark beetle detection using UAVs were presented at the EGU 23 international conference.

    Our centre's approach is based on the use of UAV-based spectroscopy and sensing applications to detect and classify pests using high-resolution images (tree level). In addition, data-based techniques were used to find correlations that might indicate stress conditions in individual trees that make them vulnerable to host pests.

    These are the preliminary results of the project called “Methods of control/containment of the spruce bark beetle” funded by the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Autonome Provinz Bozen and led by the Competence Center for Plant Health at the Libera Università di Bolzano, in collaboration with the Institute for Earth Observation – Eurac Research, the Institute for Alpine Environment and our Center for Sensing Solutions, as well as the Università degli Studi di Padova, the Universität für Bodenkultur Wien and the Department of Forestry of the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Autonome Provinz Bozen.

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