Institute for Minority Rights - News & Events - Participation in "Europe’s National Minorities – Ways Forward for a New Minority Protection Regime."
Participation in "Europe’s National Minorities – Ways Forward for a New Minority Protection Regime."
‘Ewald Ammende’ International Expert Conference organised by FUEN
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4-5 March 2024 Brussels
Günther Rautz and Sergiu Constantin took part in the conference, which aims to discuss the current situation in order to reflect upon and formulate solutions for counteracting the grave regression in the protection of national minorities so as to enhance minority protection.
Think outside the box
International experts discussed the current situation of minorities in order to find new strategies. For example indigenous peoples were very successful on UN-level to create a platform. This kind of forum gives them the chance for exchange and to lobby. Long term strategies – legal, dialogue and prosperities - need a coalition of experts, civil society and minorities. The experts expressed their point of view that we have to engage with the EU, OSCE and the Council of Europe in order to reinforce what is existing. Legal strategy is also necessary to bring the European Institutions and the European Court of Justice to change. A permanent forum for minorities at the EU and/or the Council of Europe level would be important to bring actors together. A new definition of minority will not be possible but we should work and improve the assessment of a always more diverse society and should bridge categories between new and old minorities and other vulnerable groups. After the expert meeting a report will be drafted in order finalize next steps to push forward new standards and implementation of minority protection in Europe.