Institute for Minority Rights - Projects - MinBorderscapes
ABI - Borderscapes and minority communtities
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Institutes: Institute for Minority Rights, Institute for Comparative Federalism
The research project MinBorderscapes examines local and regional cross-border cooperation with a focus on border areas with minority identities. Furthermore, it analyses European policies to promote cross-border cooperation and conceptualises these EU policies and the cooperation on the ground as two phases of a policy cycle, namely policy formulation and policy implementation.
The project illustrates that minority-related aspects are a compelling perspective to be considered within the multidisciplinary field of border studies. Minority studies can well complement research on borders and border spaces by focusing on localness rather than state-centeredness and by providing a better understanding of contextual conditions in border regions. This can enrich the conceptual and theoretical foundations as well as the empirical work in border and minority studies.
In addition, the project adds the perspective of minority research to studies on EU cohesion policy and cross-border cooperation instruments, thereby enriching the debate on the future territorial vision of Europe and the concept of territorial and social cohesion. Research on minority-related multiethnic and multicultural realities of border regions can provide important insights for the debate on how to strengthen social and territorial cohesion in Europe.
Theoretically and conceptually, the project builds on several strands. The analysis of policy formulation and policy change at the European level is based on theories and concepts of integration and policy-making. The research on cooperation in border regions draws on theories and concepts developed in the field of border studies, especially institutionalist and governance-related approaches.
Methodologically, the project applies qualitative approaches with different research designs. It combines comparative approaches of different cross-border regions as well as single case studies. The project uses primary empirical data (gathered through expert interviews, document analysis, etc.) and secondary empirical data (eg. EGTC minoring reports by the Committee of the Regions, Eurobarometer data etc.).
Finally, the project also includes some applied research activities carried out on behalf of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino. This applied research aims at identifying success factors of cross-border cooperation projects along the Italian-Austrian border as well as the role of local authorities in cross-border governance in the Italian-Austrian border area.
Constantin S (2024)
Conference: MIDAS General Assembly 2024 | Csíkszereda/Miercurea Ciuc | 9.5.2024 - 12.5.2024
Carlà A, Constantin S
Conference: 2024 Eurac Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance | Bolzano | 1.7.2024 - 12.7.2024
Engl A (2024)
Journal article
Engl A (2023)
Conference: Autonomie & EU | Bozen | 9.5.2023 - 9.5.2023
Engl A (2023)
Conference: 15. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloqium der Andrássy Universität Budapest | Budapest (online) | 30.5.2023 - 31.5.2023
Engl A (2023)
Engl A (2022)
Conference: Ausbildungsprogramm für die Journalistenkammer Trentino-Südtirol "Der Europäische Verbund für territoriale Zusammenarbeit - Euregio Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino - 10 Jahre nach seiner Gründung| Neue Entwicklungen, Reform des Statuts und euroregionale Projekte". | Bozen : 17.3.2022 - 17.3.2022
Engl A (2022)
Conference: Journalismusfest Innsbruck, Internationale Tage der Information | Innsbruck | 13.5.2022 - 15.5.2022
Engl A (2022)
Conference: Stärke durch Wandel – Più forza dal cambiamento. 50 Jahre II. Autonomiestatut und seine Zukunft/Il cinquantenario del Secondo Statuto di Autonomia e il futuro | Bozen/Bolzano | 25.5.2022 - 26.5.2022
Engl A (2022)
Contribution in book
Politika 22: Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik / Annuario di politica dell'Alto Adige: Stärke durch Wandel. 50 Jahre Zweites Autonomiestatut und seine Zukunft / Più forza dal cambiamento. Il cinquantenario del Secondo Statuto di Autonomia e il suo futuro
Engl A (2022)
Conference: Eurac Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance. Autonomies, Borders and Conflicts | Bozen/Bolzano | 4.7.2022 - 15.7.2022
Engl A (2022)
Conference: International CBC – Workshop "Cross-Border Cooperation in Crisis| Does Institutionalized CBC Contribute to Resilience and Innovation?" | Budapest : 21.10.2022 - 22.10.2022
Engl A (2022)
Conference: 14. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium (IDK) im Rahmen der Kooperation zwischen der Andrássy Universität Budapest und der Autonomen Region Trentino-Südtirol „Perspektiven der Europäischen Zusammenarbeit“ | Budapest (online) | 1.12.2022 - 2.12.2022
Engl A (2022)
Conference: Workshop on cross-border areas, EGTC and transport policy | Nova Gorica | 23.11.2022 - 23.11.2022
Engl A (2022)
Contribution in book
Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union
Engl A (2021)
Contribution in book
Politika 2021, Politik und Gesellschaft im Umbruch: Folgen der Covid-19-Pandemie, Gemeinderatswahlen in Südtirol und im Trentino / Politica e società al bivio: conseguenze della pandemia Covid-19, Elezioni comunali in Alto Adige e in Trentino
Engl A (2021)
Conference: Treffen des Euregio Generalsekretariats und der Pressebüros Südtirol, Tirol und Trentino | Riva del Garda | 21.9.2021 - 22.9.2021
Engl A (2021)
Conference: European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 | | 11.10.2021 - 14.10.2021
Engl A, Alber E (2021)
Contribution in book
Nachdenken und Meter machen: Festschrift für Ferdinand Karlhofer
Engl A, Wisthaler V (2020)
Journal article
Journal of Borderlands Studies
Engl A, Evrard E (2020)
Journal article
Journal of European Integration
Engl A (2020)
Conference: Follow-up Euregio-Akademie 2020 | Alpbach | 20.8.2020 - 23.8.2020
Alber E, Engl A (2020)
Contribution in book
Crossing Borders - Passaggi di confine - Grenzgänge: Festschrift für Günther Pallaver
More information:
Engl A (2020)
Contribution in book
15 years of the EGTCs: lessons learnt and future perspectives
More information: ...
Engl A (2020)
ff – Südtiroler Wochenmagazin
Engl A (2019)
Contribution in book
Verwaltungskooperation in der Europaregion: Potenziale ohne Grenzen?
Alber E, Engl A, Klotz G, Kofler I (2019)
Bolzano/Bozen: Eurac Research
Authored book
Alber E, Klotz G, Engl A, Kofler I (2019)
Conference: Euregio Eurac Research| Alpine Governance und Grenzgemeinden | Bozen : 27.2.2019 - 27.2.2019
Engl A (2018)
Conference: Tag der Politikwissenschaft | Innsbruck | 29.11.2018 - 30.11.2018
Estelle E, Engl A (2018)
Contribution in book
European Territorial Cooperation. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Process and Impacts of Cross-Border and Transnational Cooperation in Europe
Engl A (2018)
Contribution in book
Politika 2018. Autonomiekonvent und Consulta Die Reform des Autonomiestatuts der Region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol: partizipative Prozesse im Vergleich. Convenzione sull’Autonomia e Consulta La riforma dello Statuto d’autonomia della Regione Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol: processi partecipativi a confronto
Engl A (2017)
Conference: Migprosp Conference “The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance” | European University Institute, Florence | 25.5.2017 - 26.5.2017
Wisthaler V, Engl A (2017)
Engl A, Wisthaler V (2017)
Contribution in book
Politika 2017, Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik
Engl A (2017)
Contribution in book
Der Europäische Verbund für territoriale Zusammenarbeit
Malloy TH, Popova Z, Wolf S, Boulter C, Woelk J, Zwilling C, Klotz G, Engl A, Bagdasarova N (2016)
Flensburg: ECMI
More information: ...
Engl A (2016)
Journal article
Regional & Federal Studies
Zwilling C, Woelk J, Klotz G, Engl A (2016)
More information: ...
Engl A, Pallaver G, Alber E (2016)
Journal article
Politika. Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik = Annuario di politica dell'Alto Adige = Anuer de pulitica di Südtirol
Engl A, Mitterhofer J (2015)
Contribution in book
European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Volume 12 (2013)
Engl A (2014)
Baden-Baden: Nomos
(Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Akademie Bozen, Bereich "Minderheiten und Autonomien")
Authored book
Engl A (2007)
Bozen: EURAC research
Journal article
European Diversity and Autonomy Papers - EDAP