EDIS - Old and New Minorities

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In the frame of the nexus between old and new minorities, this research project engages with the concept of ´integrated society` with the aim to explore new and existing policy and normative frameworks to balance unity and diversity based on human and minority rights. Within the context of diversity governance and integrated societies, our research focuses on three different aspects: first, we build upon the existing  knowledge on the synergies between old and new minorities, especially in autonomous territories inhabited by historical groups, by looking at both the theoretical but especially the empirical synergies among old and new minority groups and common approaches to govern diversity. Second, we study accommodation measures as major tools to strengthen living together and tolerance: our major focus is to look at cases and decisions of supra-national judicial and non-judicial bodies emphasizing the proactive role of all actors involved, in particular national and international judges, public authorities, employers, school authorities, individuals, as both mediators and promoters of accommodation arrangements. Third, we engage on a critical analysis of common values (Art. 2 TEU), their relevance and their transmission for an integrated society looking at different perspectives, needs, interests and actors. Fourth, we study how to mitigate the potential negative impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) models on minorities. 

The Roma in Europe: Between diversity and social disadvantage: Comparative perspectives from the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Medda-Windischer R (2023)
Contribution in book
Europäisches Minderheitenrecht: Festschrift für Professor Gilbert Gornig Band I
Empowering survivors: The urgent need to eliminate sexual violence in conflict zones
Budabin A, Piras E (2023)

More information: https://www.eurac.edu/en/blogs/imagining-futures/empowering- ...


Minorities in conflict settings, desecuritization and deradicalization
Medda-Windischer R (2023)
Heritage Politics in the Case of Black Lives Matter in Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: 2023 Joint Convening of the Social Practice of Human Rights Conference and the 6th International Conference on the Right to Development | Dayton, OH | 2.11.2023 - 4.11.2023

Language Rights and Duties for New Minorities: Integration through Diversity Governance
Medda-Windischer R (2023)

Conference: Conference, Language, society & identity in diverse ethnolinguistic contexts – LOEWE Research Cluster - Minority Studies| Language and Identity (Goethe University, Frankfurt) | Frankfurt : 9.6.2023 - 10.6.2023

Fundamental Rights and New Minorities: Diversity Governance and Social Cohesion from the Perspective of Minority Rights
Medda-Windischer R (2023)

Conference: Are Minority Rights (Still) Human Rights? (University of Belgrade and Lantos Institute) | Belgrade | 28.9.2023 - 29.9.2023

Exploring Strategies for Transnational Advocacy by Minority Representatives at the UN
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: What Next? 30 Years After the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities | Brighton | 11.5.2023 - 11.5.2023

"Governing migration and migrant integration in minority regions” and “ Minority Regions and Migration: A Group Role Play”
Medda-Windischer R, Zeba M (2023)

Conference: SECUREU Summer School 2023 | Bolzano | 2.7.2023 - 8.7.2023

How Intersectional Frames Matter for Minority Women Representatives at the United Nations
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: ECMI Workshop MInority Women and Intersectionality | Flensburg | 10.7.2023 - 11.7.2023

Intersectionality, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Fairness: an Oxymoron or a Reality?
Medda-Windischer R, Crepaz Katharina (2023)

Conference: Workshop Minority Women and Intersectionality| A Renewed Research Agenda? (ECMI, Flensburg) | Flensburg : 10.7.2023 - 11.7.2023

How Frames Matter for Transnational Advocacy by Minority Representatives at the UN
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Workshop Challenges and Opportunities in Global and Transnational Advocacy, John Hopkins SAIS Europe | Bologna | 8.5.2023 - 9.5.2023

More information: ,

Nuove sfide dell´autonomia altoatesina fra minoranze e migrazione
Medda-Windischer R (2023)

Conference: Italian Constitutional Law and Regional Law`, ref. Prof. Esther Happacher, University of Innsbruck | Innsbruck | 16.1.2023 - 16.1.2023

Lessons on Corporate and Celebrity Communication from Batman saves the Congo
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Institutional Communication Course, Faculty of Economics and Management, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Bolzano | 13.12.2023 - 13.12.2023

How to Exhibit Competing Narratives: Confronting Legacies of Conflict and/or Sustaining Social Cleavages
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Staging Democracy| How Culture and Creativity Stimulate Democratic Engagement | Bolzano : 3.12.2023 - 4.12.2023

More information: https://www.unibz.it/en/events/staging-democracy-how-culture ...

North South Dynamics related to advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Course on Gender Justice, Università degli Studi di Milano | Milano | 28.11.2023 - 28.11.2023

Changing Perspectives in Minority Studies: A Human Rights Model of Diversity Governance for Old and New Minorities
Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Contribution in book
Law and Politics: Festschrift für Joseph Marko


Section 2 Special Focus: Covid-19 and Minorities - Introduction

Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Journal article
European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online

More information: https://doi.org/10.1163/22116117_005


Autonomie und Minderheitenschutz
Medda-Windischer R, Palermo F, Woelk J, Crepaz K (2022)

Conference: Stärke durch Wandel – Più forza dal cambiamento. 50 Jahre II. Autonomiestatut und seine Zukunft/Il cinquantenario del Secondo Statuto di Autonomia e il futuro | Bozen/Bolzano | 25.5.2022 - 26.5.2022

Fundamental Rights and Non-EU Minorities: From an Ambiguous Concept to an Integrated Society?
Medda-Windischer R, Crepaz K (2022)
Contribution in book
Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union
Diversity, minorities and concerted solutions in times of crisis: A case study from rural minoritized
communities in Italy
Medda-Windischer R, Maino F (2022)

Conference: “Minorities in Times of Scarcity and Conflict”, organized by Centre for Minorities Research, University of St Andrews | Edinburgh | 8.6.2022 - 8.6.2022

Nuove sfide dell’autonomia: immigrazione, minoranze, integrazione
Medda-Windischer R (2022)

Conference: 50 years Autonomy Statute Anniversary Conference | Bolzano/Bozen | 25.5.2022 - 26.5.2022

Principi e regole europee su diritto all’abitare e comunità Rom/Sinte
Medda-Windischer R (2022)

Conference: “Sinti| Popolo presente ma sconosciuto” - organised by Nevodrom | Bolzano/Bozen : 29.4.2022 - 29.4.2022

Old and new minorities in autonomous territories: main challenges, new perspectives
Medda-Windischer R (2022)

Conference: 2022 Eurac Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance | Bolzano/Bozen | 4.7.2022 - 16.9.2022

The House of Common Values: Training on the board game
Medda-Windischer R, Zeba M (2022)

Conference: Common Values and Integration - organised by Province of Bolzano/Bozen | Bolzano/Bozen | 2.4.2022 - 2.4.2022

Migration and Autonomy in South Tyrol
Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Minority Regions and Migration: A Group Role Play
Medda-Windischer R, Crepaz K (2022)

Conference: 2022 Eurac Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance | Bolzano/Bozen | 4.7.2022 - 16.9.2022

More information: https://summerschool.eurac.edu/

Autonomia, minoranze e migrazione. Dall’integrazione alla società integrata: un percorso ancora incompiuto
Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Contribution in book
Politika 22: Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik / Annuario di politica dell'Alto Adige: Stärke durch Wandel. 50 Jahre Zweites Autonomiestatut und seine Zukunft / Più forza dal cambiamento. Il cinquantenario del Secondo Statuto di Autonomia e il suo futuro
Common Values for a New Vision of Europe: Utopia or Dystopia?
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2021)

Conference: CES 27th International Conference of Europeanists | online | 21.6.2021 - 25.6.2021


Old and New Minorities: Diversity Governance and Social Cohesion from the Perspective of Minority Rights
Medda-Windischer R (2021)
Contribution in book
Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Grundrechte und Solidarität in Österreich und in Europa: Festgabe zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Heinrich Neisser, einem europäischen Humanisten


Different Types of Diversity, Similar Claims? A Regional Comparison of "old" and "new" Minorities
Crepaz K (2021)

Conference: ECPR General Conference 2021 | online | 30.8.2021 - 3.9.2021


Building Social Cohesion on Common Values. Migration and Diversity through the Experience of a Cross-border Project (EUMINT)
Medda-Windischer R (2021)

Conference: “Post-covid-19 socio-economic recovery strategies| Urban and territorial development for social cohesion, organised by the European Union Program for Social Cohesion in Latin America, EUROsociAL +, UN HABITAT | : 26.5.2021 - 27.5.2021


Civic Integration for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Building on Common Values
Medda-Windischer R, Carlá A (2021)

Conference: 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference - Crossing borders, connecting cultures | Luxembourg | 7.7.2021 - 9.7.2021


Linguistic integration indicators as a tool for linguistic justice : Evaluating the implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based policies through indicators
Medda-Windischer R, Spiliopoulou Åkermark S (2021)

Conference: Nitobe Symposium 2021 – Language and Conflicts (Ulster University, Northern Ireland) | | 24.7.2021 - 26.7.2021


Traditional Instruments and New Challenges: The Squaring of the Circle?
Medda-Windischer R, Wonisch K (2021)

Conference: 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions | Pisa | 30.8.2021 - 3.9.2021


European Civic Integration and Common Values: The Experience of a Board Game
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2021)
Journal article
Peace Human Rights Governance

More information: https://phrg.padovauniversitypress.it/2021/1/1



Local Governance and EU Fundamental Values: A perspective from Civic Integration in South Tyrol
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2021)

Conference: Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values”, University of Padova | Padova | 8.11.2021 - 9.11.2021

Minoranze: Pace e Coesione Sociale
Medda-Windischer R (2021)

Conference: “Minoranza| il valore della diversità linguistica e culturale e il suo rapporto con la democrazia”, Ciclo di incontri “Dialoghi con le Minoranze” Provincia Autonoma di Trento | Trento : 25.11.2021 - 25.11.2021

Religious and Linguistic Minorities and the European Court of Human Rights: Between Restrictive Measures and Concerted Solutions
Medda-Windischer R (2021)
Journal article
Europa Ethnica

More information: https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/abs/10.24989/0014-2492-2021-12-3 ...



Civic Integration: Building on Common Values
Medda-Windischer R (2020)

Conference: EUMINT Final Conference (Webinar) | Bolzano | 21.10.2020 - 21.10.2020


The Austrian Islam Law, 2015: Origins, Enforcement, Interpretations
Wonisch K (2020)

Conference: The Austrian Islam Law, 2015| Origins, Enforcement, Interpretations | Trento : 29.5.2020 - 29.5.2020


Rapporto sulle migrazioni - Alto Adige 2020
Medda-Windischer R, Membretti A (2020)
Bolzano/Bozen: Eurac Research
Edited book


Anti-discrimination and Equality
Medda-Windischer R, Tomaselli A, Wonisch K (2020)
The Hague: OSCE/HCNM
Contribution in book
Mapping Integration Indicators: a Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based Policy, Report commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE


Società, lingua, religione
Medda-Windischer R, Mitterhofer J (2020)
Bolzano/Bozen,: Eurac Research
Contribution in book
Rapporto sulle migrazioni - Alto Adige 2020

More information: http://www.eurac.edu/it/research/Publications/Pages/dossier/ ...


Mapping Integration Indicators: a Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based Policy, Report commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE
Medda-Windischer R, Spiliopoulou Åkermark S, Schulte F, Cramer Marsal F (2020)
The Hague: OSCE/HCNM
Edited book

More information: http://www.eurac.edu/en/research/projects/Documents/Report-M ...



Superdiversity and sub-national autonomous regions: Perspectives from the South Tyrolean case
Medda-Windischer R (2020)
Contribution in book
Superdiversity, Policy and Governance in Europe: Multi-scalar Perspectives

More information: https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/superdiversity-p ...


Mapping Integration Indicators: Quantitative or Qualitative Approaches ?
Medda-Windischer R, Spiliopoulou Åkermark S

Conference: “Data-driven human rights research” University of Padova | Padova | 9.11.2020 - 11.11.2020


Language Rights and Protection of Linguistic Minorities: International Legal Instruments, their Development and Implementation
Medda-Windischer R, Constantin S (2020)
Contribution in book


Neue Rechte in Südtirol
Wonisch K (2019)

More information: https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Suedtirol-heute/1277675/Suedti ...

Regional Citizenship: A Tool for the Inclusion of Third-Country Nationals In Subnational Entities
Medda-Windischer R, Kössler K (2019)

Conference: EUI Annual Conference, The Value of Citizenship for Individuals and States | Fiesole/Firenze | 21.11.2019 - 22.11.2019
