Eurach Research


EDIS - Urbanized Indigenous Migrants and (new) Religious Minorities: Rights and Resilience

    The “Urbanized Indigenous Migrants and (new) Religious Minorities: Rights and Resilience” (U-I-MIR) project focuses on two minorities-within-(new)-minorities, namely urbanized indigenous migrants and those religious minorities stemming from migration. The overall goal of this project is to analyze whether these two minorities-within-(new)-minorities are in the position to exercise or claim their (human, minority, and/or indigenous) rights and build their resilience in their new (to them) urban contexts. It thus explores whether (and, if so, why) they are subject to inequality, discrimination practices, hate speech, et al. (incl., islamophobia and antisemitism), and what this implies for the exercise of their rights and their (potential) resilience. Another dimension of this project explores the role of diasporas in the process of accommodating cultural diversity and building an integrated society. Finally, the project will identify and contrast protection and promotion of indigenous peoples and religious minorities in urban contexts at the UN.

    Indigenous Mobility and Urbanisation in Latin America in times of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Tomaselli A, Wright C, Horn P, Maldonado Lema D, Casagrande O (2022)

    Conference: Society of Latin American Studies (SLAS) annual conference on “Latin America in times of political mistrust and global pandemic” | Bath, UK (hybrid) | 21.4.2022 - 22.4.2022

    Transnational Dynamics of Politics and Religion
    Wonisch K, Lakitsch M (2021)

    Conference: Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion - EuARe 2021 - Religion and Change | Münster and Online (Hybrid Format) | 30.8.2021 - 2.9.2021

    Indigenous Mobility, Urbanization and Participation in Latin America
    Signori I, Horn P, Wright C, Tomaselli A (2021)

    More information: ...

    Indigenous Peoples and climate-induced relocation in Latin America and the Caribbean: managed retreat as a tool or a threat?
    Felipe Pérez B, Tomaselli A (2021)
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    Journal article
    Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

    More information:

    Webinar - Indigenous Urbanization and Mobility: identity, resilience and rights
    Tomaselli A, Wright C, Horn P, Wonisch K (2021)

    More information:

    Recension de / Book review of "Las migraciones climáticas ante el ordenamiento jurídico internacional" de Beatriz Felipe Pérez
    Tomaselli A (2020)
    Journal article
    Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental

    More information:

    The legacy of the dhimma concept in MENA countries: impact on women’s rights
    Wonisch K (2020)

    Conference: GENDER RELIGION AND LAW | Messina | 5.6.2020 - 25.6.2020

    Climate Resilience of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and Natural Resources’ management in the Andes in the post-covid-19 era
    Tomaselli A, Panchi-Robles S (2020)

    Conference: Global Mountain Sustainability Forum - Sustainability Governance| International frameworks and Local contributions | online : 5.10.2020 - 6.10.2020

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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