Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - 58th ISOCARP - International World Planning Congress
58th ISOCARP - International World Planning Congress
Eurac Research at the International Society of City and Regional Planners World Planning Congress
The congress, taking place in Brussels this week from 3 to 6 October will include sessions and roundtables featuring global experts and innovative pioneering thinkers focusing on the intersection of planning and well-being and socio-economic justice.
Daniele Vettorato is going to represent Eurac Research in his role of Member of the ISOCARP Board, exchanging innovative theories & practices to turn unsustainable spaces into healthy places.
Sonja Gantioler will present project JUSTNature in the special session "Justice for What? Ecological (space) Justice of NbS in the Cities"
Adriano Bisello and Alice Borsari presented the project Varcities, talking about the benefits of resilient urban solutions.
More information about the programme and special sessions Link