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Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - Circular economy, construction and social sustainability


Circular economy, construction and social sustainability

New projects, synergies and opportunities in South Tyrol

    • Date: 02.10.2024, 8.30 - 14.30
    • Place: NOITech Park | Seminar Room 1 – Via Alessandro Volta 13 A 39100 - Bolzano/Bozen – Italy
    • Typology: Workshop

    The circular economy is a regenerative model that extends the life cycle of products, raw materials, and resources by promoting reuse, recycling, maintenance, and reconditioning. This approach reduces waste and creates new business opportunities but requires a rethinking of production and consumption processes, especially in the construction sector. Challenges include integrating new actors, implementing new business models, and managing increased costs and complexity while targeting sustainability. 'Zero-kilometer' material recovery lowers cost and generates local job opportunities. In South Tyrol, cooperatives and social enterprises are already engaging in these material recovery activities, involving vulnerable individuals while generating economic and social value.

    The workshop "Circular economy, construction, and social sustainability: new projects, synergies and opportunities in South Tyrol" aims to promote a dialogue between local companies in the construction sector, social enterprises, cooperatives, and local administrators to support the transition to a sustainable circular economy.

    Eurac Research will present new projects and services to enhance circularity in the construction sector, focusing on the recovery and reuse of building components and the involvement of social enterprises for the circular economy. The workshop will also showcase best practices from local start-ups and social enterprises, engaging participants in a guided discussion on the synergies to be activated to promote a sustainable circular model in South Tyrol.





    Welcome and introduction

    • Wolfram Sparber, Eurac Research
    • Leire Minguez, Eurac Research

    Attention: activating circular processes in the building sector

    Martino Gubert, Eurac Research


    Eclectic: circularity for just and inclusive cities and regions

    Chiara Pellegrini, Eurac Research


    Inno.Circle: Unlock circular innovation in manufacturing SMEs

    Ulrich Prechsl, IDM Südtirol - Alto Adige


    Best practices

    • David Plaseller, CEO and Co-founder of Revitalyze
    • Julia Vontavon, Co-founder of REX Materials and Things
    • Verena Dariz, Head of Responsible Consumption at OEW

    Coffee break and networking


    Interactive session

    Working tables discussing the needs, challenges and barriers, synergies and opportunities to activate a sustainable circular economy in South Tyrol.

    Moderators: Chiara Pellegrini, Martino Gubert, Leire Minguez, Federico Voltolini


    General discussion and conclusions

    Presentations of the results from the working tables, general discussion and conclusion

    Moderators: Chiara Pellegrini, Martino Gubert, Leire Minguez, Federico Voltolini




    Optional - Visit to Eurac Research’s laboratories (1 hour)




    For organizational reasons, registration is required. Please sign up here by September 27th.

    The event will be conducted in Italian. Simultaneous translation is not provided.


    The event is organized within the framework of the projects ECLECTIC and ATTENTION.

    ECLECTIC has been funded by Formas, FCT, LMT and MUR under the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership, which has been co-funded by the European Union.

    dut partnership driving urban transitions

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