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Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - Eurac Research at the Clean Energy Industrial Forum 2022

27 May 22

Eurac Research at the Clean Energy Industrial Forum 2022

Eurac Research takes part at CEIF´s second high-level meeting on how to accelerating the deployment of clean energy in the EU

    The European Commission set the Clean Energy Industrial Forum (CEIF) in 2018 next to the legislative package Clean Energy for All Europeans, to identify key issues related to clean energy industry competitiveness and required policy responses, and to help the EU industry take advantage of the growth opportunities of and fully play its part in the energy transition.

    The next 16th June in Brussels will take place the second meeting of the new mandate. The meeting is going to be coordinated and opened by Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy and more than 20 European clean energy industry leaders who are going to participate next to Presidents of leading sector associations.

    Our Head of Institute Wolfram Sparber is going to take part at the meeting in his role as Vice President of the European Renewable Energy Research Centres, commenting the last CEIF meeting “It was an interesting discussion showing many opportunities, a huge market growth expected in several key renewable energy industries but as well a series of challenges to be overcome in order to reach the EU 2030 climate targets. Research, development and Innovation play a key role to profit from this opportunity in the best possible way”.

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