Eurach Research
02 December 24

KlimaPlan Monitoring

Eurac Research presents the updated data on CO2 emissions in South Tyrol

    The "Output-Monitoring", commissioned to Eurac Research by the Province of Bolzano, is based on emissions data, but also technology and market data from various sources. It documents greenhouse gas emission trends in the heating, transport, industry and electricity sectors from 2010 to the present. This tool, free accessible and online since February 2024, makes it possible for the first time to track greenhouse gas emission trends in South Tyrol, and evaluate the progress of the measures undertaken by the Province of Bolzano to implement the "Piano Clima Alto Adige 2024".

    The next 4th December, at the Province's press conference, Steffi Misconel and Wolfram Sparber are going to present the progress of the KLIMAPLAN monitoring activities with the presentaton "Verso un futuro sostenibile: Progresso del monitoraggio del Piano Climatico dell'Alto Adige - Monitoraggio delle emissioni di CO₂ da combustibili fossili e indicatori avanzati".

    In the previous months our researchers have updated the CO2 emissions data for the main emitting sectors (heating, transportation, industry, agriculture) in South Tyrol based on INEMAR data for 2022. Additionally, they have updated data for other indicators that provide insights into the CO2eq emission trends across these sectors (e.g., fossil fuel consumption, development of district heating networks, building renovation/sanitation certifications, etc.).

    Here the link to the Klimaplan Monitoring website.

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