Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - MEZeroE General Assembly
MEZeroE General Assembly
Eurac Research hosts the General Assembly of MEZeroE project the next 23 and 24 May at NOI Techpark
The project, coordinated by Eurac Research, aims at measuring envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy nearly Zero Energy Buildings.
As lead partner within this research project, Eurac Research is focused in creating a long-term sustainable collaboration between industry (material producers, façade manufacturers, and also end-users) and the research community to develop innovative façade systems that enable healthy and comfortable indoor environments while ensuring the structural reliability of the façades, the possibility of integrating active systems, and the minimization of the energy consumption.
During these 2-days meeting our researchers are going to present the overall state of progress and results of the project, and will open the workshop "Workshop 2: “Spotlight on the first users of MEZeroE: the perspective of IND partners”. The partners will then have the chance to visit also our laboratories here at NOI Techpark, in particular the Facade system interactions lab and the newest IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) laboratory.
The IAQ Lab can characterize formaldehyde and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions from building materials and evaluate the VOC removal performance of commercialized "smart materials" under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. Additionally, the lab offers also the testing and calibration of IAQ sensors to minimize uncertainty of measurements and provide high quality data.
In the VOC lab, emission testing can be conducted in a wide variety of conditions including those in accordance with standard requirements. Thanks to proficient knowledge in gaseous pollutants measurement and indoor air quality, Eurac Research experts can assist companies in the development and characterization of innovative materials for the building industry. The experimental data obtained can be used as inputs for IAQ models to predict VOC concentrations in standard building scenarios.
IAQ Lab is going to be fully operative starting from September 2022 and is going to be presented as a preview at the MEZeroE meeting.