Eurach Research
06 October 21

New project FULFILL

Fundamental Decarbonisation Through Sufficiency by Lifestyle Changes

    Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future is a commitment that can no longer be ignored. Eurac Research answers this call in taking active part in many research projects for climate action. One of these is the 3-year Horizon2020 project FULFILL, which is going to be officially presented from 11 to 14 October in Karlsruhe, Germany.

    The consortium consists of 8 European research centers, academia, and NGOs who have developed an inter-transdisciplinary research concept that engages in a dialogue between social science and humanities, as well as technoeconomic energy and climate studies.

    The main objective of the project is to study the contribution of lifestyle changes and citizen engagement in decarbonizing Europe and fulfilling the goals of the Paris Agreement by using the concept of sufficiency as a guiding principle. The concept of sufficiency intended by the project is creating the social, infrastructural and regulatory conditions for changing individual and collective practices in a way that reduces energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions and simultaneously contributes to societal wellbeing.

    The project's core is intensive empirical fieldwork in five EU countries and one outside combining qualitative and quantitative methods from social sciences and humanities to deliver findings across diverse cultural, political and economic conditions. Hereby FULFILL provides in-depth analysis of sufficiency lifestyles, their intended and unintended consequences, enablers and barriers in order to develop a systemic impact assessment.

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