Eurach Research
30 May 24

REWARDHeat Serious Game

The interactive workshop organized in the framework of HeatMineDH Life Project

    REWARDHeat Serious Game was played in Göttingen on the 30th of May.

    The interactive workshop was organized as a part of the HeatMineDH Project and in the frameworks of the 50-year jubilee of the Faculty of Resource Management of the HAWK University.

    Different local stakeholders participated in the workshop, including representatives of engineering companies, energy suppliers, municipalities, and researchers. They took over the roles of district managers, utility companies and the government in the game to interact in the heating market of a town. As a result, the participants followed different strategies to reach their goals in the game with different degree of success, but all of them had a good time and learned something new.

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    REWARDHeat Serious Game

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