Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee
It's time to evaluate the present, future and closed activities of our Institute at the annual Scientific Committee the next 22 and 23 November.
The Institute for Renewable Energy calls the annual Scientific Council meeting the next 22 and 23 November, at Eurac Research. This event represents an important occasion for all the research groups and collaborators, in order to evaluate the present, future and closed activities of the Institute, as well as to receive an evaluation feedback and recommendation for future research projects.
During the period 2020-2021 the Institute could continue its development trend of the past years. Even if COVID changed a lot our daily live, the overall Institutes development could proceed with smart working of researchers and some weeks of laboratory shut down quite well.
From the laboratory side the clear focus in 2020 was to finalize the labs under construction and use at its best the existing infrastructures. Heat Pump Laboratory started with first heat pump tests in summer 2020. The Hygrothermal Testing Lab performed over expected well, with a lot of industry interest, requests and tests running. The set-up of the outdoor Façade System Interaction Lab has been concluded, final works are being done on software and control side. In the Solare PV Lab several accredited tests could be executed and delivered in the first month of 2020. Within the outdoor Exchange Lab interesting tests could be executed of a predictive control of gas boilers with the objective to optimize the control and reduce with a very low-cost investment gas consumption in multifamily homes.
From a project point of view in 2020 we got several good news of large-scale Horizon 2020 projects which we will coordinate or in which we contribute as partners.
More information about our Scientific Committee and the Board Members