Institute for Renewable Energy - Energy Efficient Buildings - News & Events - Smart Readiness Indicator and Energy Performance of modern buildings in South Tyrol
Smart Readiness Indicator and Energy Performance of modern buildings in South Tyrol
A comprehensive analysis of 59 high-performance buildings in South Tyrol, Italy within the research project E2I@NOI
The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) was introduced as a common European system for assessing buildings' smart readiness. While not mandatory across the EU, several countries have initiated trial phases, and various studies have examined its application.
Eurac Research in collaboration with the Free University of Bolzano and the Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige - CasaClima, conducted a comprehensive analysis of 59 high-performance buildings in South Tyrol, Italy within the research project E2I@NOI recently published on the scientific journal Energy & Buildings.
CasaClima provided a valuable dataset of buildings, which enabled the researchers to assess their SRI levels. The research focused on understanding the prevalence of smart technologies in modern buildings and exploring any correlation between smart readiness and energy performance.
Key findings:
Regional Variations: We found that different building categories (residential, office, etc.) exhibit varying levels of smart readiness.
Smart Technology Adoption: Identified the most common smart technologies in HVAC and building systems.
Integrated Key Performance Indicators: Since smart readiness and energy performance classes are not directly linked, the SRI provides a valuable tool for a more comprehensive assessment of the quality of the built environment.
The integral version of the study is available here