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Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - SSPCR 2022 Call for abstracts extended until April 8!


SSPCR 2022 Call for abstracts extended until April 8!

The call for abstracts for the Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions 2022 has been extended until April 8

    The Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR 2022) conference has come to its 4th edition and opens now the call for abstracts until the 8th of April.

    SSPCR 2022 welcomes contributions from different research fields, including urban and regional planning, environmental and social sciences, economics, transportation, engineering and energy-related studies, computer science and geomantic, as well as from the professional community.

    Each proposal should cover one of the following topics:

    • Will the climate-neutral city please stand up?
    • The hidden potential: untapping the benefits of urban transformations
    • Tackling what remains to be done: environmental sustainability in cities and regions
    • Strengthening democracy in the energy transition
    • Leave no place behind: policy making for smart and sustainable regions
    • Planning for ever-changing mobility: mind the gap!
    • Discover the internet of cities: from data to knowledge

    More information about the submissions and topics here

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