Eurach Research
04 May 22

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

Eurac Research contributes to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the ETIP-PV and EERA-PV

    The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the ETIP-PV and EERA-PV is finally out. Solar PV technology has already proven to be economically and environmentally competitive, but in order to become a key of the renewable energy system, it must face challenges related to device innovation, manufacturing, integration, and circularity. The work presents 5 challenges on facilitating a transition to solar energy in Europe through PV technology.

    Our researchers were in charge of Challenge 2 dedicated to reliable, bankable and sustainable solar PV and contributed to Challenge 3 focused on integrated PV: the section discusses new applications for PV integration to create diversified and dual-purpose deployment and therefore enhance value. Six physical integration applications are analysed: building integrated PV (BIPV), vehicle integrated PV (VIPV), agrivoltaics/landscape integrated PV, floating PV, infrastructure integrated PV, and low-power energy harvesting PV.

    "The SRIA will be the reference document for the PV sector in terms of roadmaps, KPIs and targets for 2030" says David Moser, coordinator of the Photovoltaic Energy Systems research group. Together with Moser also the researchers Laura Maturi and Atse Louwen contributed to the work.

    The SRIA work can be consulted here

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