Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - Sustainable Places Conference 2021
Sustainable Places Conference 2021
The presentations and the activities of our researchers at the annual event about building sustainability
Sustainable Places is a well known annual event renowned for showcasing results coming out of the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. This year the conference will be held in a hybrid format from 28th September to 1st October. Each year, Sustainable Places features topics that are shaping how we think about buildings and the built environment. The conference is open to all topics related to building sustainability like building renovation, certifications, renewable energy technologies, circular economy and energy communities.
Even this year Eurac Research will be well represented by our researchers involved in different activities from the presentation of scientific papers to workshop activities:
Workshop with the participation Stefano Avesani (Infinite project): "Building Envelopes Kits for Deep Renovation" and "Renewable Heating and Cooling Solutions for Buildings and Industry 2.0"
Workshop with the participation of Ulrich Filippi Oberegger (BuiltHub project): "Building a sustainable and meaningful data flow of the EU building stock"
Workshop with the participation of Federico Garzia (Smart Built4Europe project): "Smart Buildings: Defining R&I Priorities"
Workshop "Positive Energy Buildings – Definition" with the presentation of the Cultural-e project
Scientific paper "Framework for evaluating financial impacts of technical risks related to energy efficient renovation of commercial office buildings" by Cristian Pozza for the EEnvest project
Scientific paper "Online EnergyMatching Platform to support the Renewable Energy Sources harvesting in buildings and districts" by Jennifer Adami for the project EnergýMatching
Click here to check the complete sessions programme