Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events - The Future Envelope - presentations online
The Future Envelope - presentations online
Presentations from the Future envelope Conference available: Have a look at them to learn more about the building envelope!
The conference took place here in Bolzano at NOI Techpark the last 15 and 16 December 2022, and was divided into four thematic sessions with the keynote presentations and panel discussions.
The first session focused on key aspects of building envelope performances towards the Zero Carbon target. The second session offered a more in-depth overview of building envelope technologies, focusing on bio-based materials, adaptive and green facades. The third session presented innovative best practices and case studies from different contexts, and finally the fourth session focused on the main challenges and trends in the sector. An additional session was dedicated to sponsors who presented their companies and the most innovative activities and products.
The event gathered international experts in the field willing to share their knowledge, and has been a nice opportunity for networking and discuss about innovative solutions and implementations towards a climate neutral future.
Check the booklet with the presentation of the conference and the full programme.
Here below a list of all the available presentations from the Conference (in continuous update)