EU LIFE ASSERT - Large-scale multiactor training and mentoriship programme to assist people with physical impairments in energy poverty

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: ongoing
  • Funding:
    Horizon Europe (EU funding / Project)
  • Institute: Institute for Renewable Energy

ASSERT addresses the 3 points on skills within the energy poverty recommendations (2023): 1) Ensure that policy makers at all level of administrations, as well as energy practitioners and advisors are trained on energy matters, including on topics related to energy poverty, taking into consideration the multidimensional aspects of energy poverty and context of clean energy transition, 2) Roll-out programmes to train front line workers in energy poverty and green energy solutions. Front-line workers addressed in those programmes should include health and social care workers or other professionals who can help identify households affected and provide them with advice and information on solutions to reduce energy consumption and access more affordable and innovative sources and 3) Offer targeted training courses for energy-poor households affected by energy poverty, including those with low digital skills. Such courses should enhance the energy and digital literacy awareness of households affected by energy poverty, enable them to better control their energy bills and participate actively in the clean and just energy transition.


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