EU ITA-AUT Low Tech | Alpine Construction - Low Tech

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With the 2020 targets, the EU has set itself the ambitious task to make its way for a carbon-neutral future. The EU energy efficiency directives for the building sector (2002/91 / EC, 2010/31 / EU, 27/2012 / EU) were implemented in South Tyrol by the BLR NR. 362/2013 and in Austria by the "OIB Guideline 6". Both regions have adopted ambitious energy strategies (Salzburg2050, KlimaLand Strategy). Energy efficiency policies are implemented by complex and costly measures and procedures for the building envelope and by a large number of housing technology. They often fall short of the expected savings rates for energy, CO2 emissions, the ecological footprint and maintenance costs. At the same time, the increasing overall complexity of the "building system" requires detailed knowledge from specialized local SMEs in the construction industry, practitioners and users of the buildings. The project "Alpines Bauen - Low Tech" aims at finding “technology-saving” solutions through analysis, good practices and the use of local expertise that increase energy efficiency throughout the entire life cycle of the building, making it environmentally and economically viable
by keeping the high standards for the performance, practicability and comfort. The acquired knowledge will be passed to construction-related local SMEs, stakeholders and the population in order to promote cost-effective, high-quality and greener building in the Alpine area.

Nel progetto verranno svolte le seguenti attivitá:

- sensibilizzazione generale verso la tematica “Low Tech” e la comunicazione professionale delle possibilità eopportunità per committenti e PMI

- l´organizzazione di 3 convegni relativi a “Costruire nelle Alpi – Low Tech” nell’area di progetto e di conferenze ed escursioni tematiche (es. con il progetto Enertour in Alto Adige) nel corso delle quali saranno presentate relazioni tecniche e offerti workshop e scambi di esperienze.

- confronto del quadro giuridico e i requisiti minimi con particolare riguardo ai scenari di integrazione del concetto Low Tech in Austria e in Alto Adige.

- la costruzione di un network transnazionale con i maggiori attori del campo “Low Tech” nelle aree partner e per le attività di R&S per la creazione di soluzioni applicabili al mercato

- applicazione dei concetti Low Tech in 4 casi studio

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