Eurach Research


IT SNSvs SEC - Circular Economy Strategy for the Autonomous Province of Bolzano

    The goal of the SEC project is to create a platform for the transition to the circular economy in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (PAB). Specifically, the project (a) analyzes the state of the art on circular economy penetration in the PAB, (b) publishes guidelines to support public policies and private enterprises towards circular economy, (c) involves local stakeholders through consultations and workshops, and (d) publishes an online portal for resource trading. The project focuses on buildings and the bioeconomy.

    Supporting a regional strategy for circular economy in South Tyrol, Italy
    Rizzari M, Agosti E, Grazieschi G, Bastos J (2022)

    Conference: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management | Corfu | 15.6.2022 - 17.6.2022

    Analisi dello stato dell'arte: Report sui settori e attività produttive per promuovere l'Economia Circolare
    Bastos J, Rizzari M, Agosti E, D'Alonzo V, Hoffmann C, Vettorato D (2021)
    Bolzano: Eurac Research

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