Eurach Research

Twinning UA

TWINNING Ukraine: Strengthening capacity of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) on the development of energy production from renewable energy sources, production and use of alternative fuels

    The overall target of the project Renewables Development in Ukraine was to improve the administrative and legal framework for development of energy from renewable energy sources in Ukraine.

    The project focused on the transposition of EU Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED I). It looked especially at those areas where gaps between the Ukrainian and the EU legislation still exist. Member State partners shared their experience with the Ukrainian experts and provided assistance on the implementation and development of Ukraine’s policy, action plans and relevant legislation on development of energy production from renewable sources. In addition, a series of workshops, seminars, training sessions, roundtables, discussion rounds with different stakeholders and a study tour to Austria were organized within the framework of this Twinning Project

    Potential available tools to increase RES installations for communication
    Theiner C (2020)

    Conference: EU Twinning-Project “Renewables Development in Ukraine” TRAINING SUPPORT OF RES AT LOCAL LEVEL | Kiev | 2.7.2020 - 2.7.2020

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