Eurach Research

Consultancy for energy planning in Ukraine

Eurac Research is part of an Austrian-Italian Consortium and is providing assistance on the implementation and development of Ukraine’s plans on energy from renewable sources.


    The situation in the Ukrainian energy sector is shaped by the complex reform situation. Nevertheless, Ukraine has adopted a series of energy sector reforms over the last two to three years,including renewable energy and energy efficiency. The project aims at facilitating adoption of renewables legislation in Ukraine that is in line with EU laws, at implementing measures in the sector to achieve the goals agreed therein, and at promoting renewable energy and energy saving in the wider public. The main target is to increase the overall share of energy from renewable energy sources in Ukraine’s gross final energy consumption and to strengthen the capacity in implementing the natioEnergynal policy and legislation in the area of renewable energy.

    Work group

    The project grant is 1 Mio EUR. During the 15-month implementation period, the Austrian-Italian project consortium will assist SAEE and other stakeholders on the further development of renewables in Ukraine. The Twinning project is implemented by the Austrian Energy Regulator E-Control, the Austrian Energy Agency, the Environmental Agency Austria, the Austrian Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism and the Italian institute EURAC Research in partnership with SAEE

    Further information

    For more details and documents about the project visit this page

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