Tools & ServicesInstitute for Renewable Energy
# Energy modellingRegional Energy Modeling South Tyrol
Development of sustainable energy models for energy transition in Southtyrol
The Institute supports the province of South Tyrol in the energy transition through the elaboration of specific studies, scenario development, data analysis, consultancy activities and planning of sustainable energy models and policies, economic and financial assessments of sustainable energy solutions at a local level.
Eurac Research has developed methodologies and energy system models to better study the decarbonisation process of local territories. The model used was EPLANopt, an optimization for the EnergyPLAN software created by Aalborg University. It evaluates thousands of possible combinations for the energy system and chooses the best ones in terms of costs and CO2 emissions. The model considers the production and consumption of electricity, heat and transport energy on an hourly basis for a whole year and allows to combine production and consumption of the various sectors, associating the effects of energy efficiency. The scenarios developed by the model are designed as an advisory tool for the development of territorial energy policies