Rural Resources

In rural areas there is still great potential to use material and immaterial resources sustainably. To this end, we are working with local people to develop implementation-oriented concepts that combine experiences from research and practice.

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In rural areas there is still great potential to use material and immaterial resources sustainably. To this end, we are working together with local people to develop implementation-oriented concepts that combine experiences from research and practice. The aim is to create innovative business models and balanced living conditions in line with the sustainability goals. With this intention, we are working to strengthen local value chains and build a resilient bio and circular economy.


In co-creation processes and with quantitative analysis we elaborate development strategies to valorizes rural assets. The objective is to facilitate the transition towards sustainable growth and equivalent living conditions in mountain areas and rural regions.

Main Topics

  • Greening of the rural economy and sustainable use of local and regional resources along value chains with specific focus on bioeconomy & circular economy in agriculture, forestry, food and tourism;
  • Scientific monitoring of structural change in mountain communities;
  • Creation of equivalent relationships between urban & rural areas through horizontal and vertical cooperation;
  • Design of steering measures for the valorisation of the Alpine cultural heritage such as territorial strategies and legal provisions.
  • Sustainable development strategies for agritourism.


  • EUSALP Task Force for Multifunctional Forestry and Sustainable Use of Timber
  • CIPRA International
  • Science for Carpathians
  • Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, UNEP Vienna
  • AlpPlan Network

News & Events

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