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Hold Still - The Bozen/Bolzano Lockdown

A photographic journey by Tiberio Sorvillo experiencing and emerging from a national quarantine in spring 2020.

Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo

Tiberio Sorvillo’s photograph taken early in the spring 2020 Lockdown encapsulates the ghostly feeling of isolation that swept through Italy. As the bull and bear, symbols of the stock market, look down at the abandoned market stalls, shops and bars of Bozen/Bolzano’s usually bustling Piazza delle Erbe, we call into question the economic repercussions of Covid-19. Little did anyone expect that an image so previously unimaginable could once again become a common tableau, as we face Lockdown 2.0.

Bench? What happens when a functional object loses its purpose? Piazza Municipio, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Do Nothing. Artist William D’Alessandro’s advice to passerby’s during the Spring-Lock-down. Ponte Sant’ Antonio, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Tiberio Sorvillo | All rights reserved
A perfect day in the park. Blue skies and freshly cut green grass. What’s wrong with this picture? Talvera park, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
With over 150 years of retail ex-perience, this small family-run business in Bolzano’s porticoed shopping street attests the only way to survive is to adapt. Tutzer 1864, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
The New Commandments. New rules for new times. Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Everyday Heroes. A view from the corridor into Bozen/Bolzano Hospital’s Covid-19 ward.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Eurac Research’s Michiel Van Veelen volunteered as a front line doctor at the Bolzen/Bolzano Covid-19 ward in spring 2020.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
During the first Lockdown if you had a dog, you had the freedom to go for long walks. When this picture was taken, masks were optional.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
CoVIPs. Key workers and solitary pigeon in Bozen/Bolzano’s usually crowded Via Museo.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
After a day of working in the vine-yard, a farmer takes a well-earnt break. Via del Vigneto, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Bar’s Open. Finding ways to survive means changing habits and adapting to the times. Bar Picchio, Via San Quirino, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
United We Stand. Residents in block of flats demonstrating solidarity in unprecedented times. Via Druso, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Stay Home. Covid inspired street art, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Eurac researchers Lydia Pedoth and Felix Greifeneder smart working from their ‘office’. Gries, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
The Undressing Room. Biohazard bins for disposable hospital scrubs. Bozen/Bolzano Hospital.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo
Keep a balance and pick yourself up when you’ve fallen. Talvera Park, Bozen/Bolzano.Credit: Eurac Research | Tiberio Sorvillo

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