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 Raccontarsi per cambiare la realtà: riflessioni sul concetto di autonomia narrativaScience Blog
Science Blog

Raccontarsi per cambiare la realtà: riflessioni sul concetto di autonomia narrativa

Elisa PirasElisa Piras
“Italian and German women fought together”



“Italian and German women fought together”

A conversation about the history of the women’s movement in South Tyrol

Atheistischer Alltagsaktivismus in MarokkoScience Blog
Science Blog

Atheistischer Alltagsaktivismus in Marokko

Lena RichterLena Richter
Hate speech and fake news in Trentino-South Tyrol: an underestimated phenomenon?Science Blog
Science Blog

Hate speech and fake news in Trentino-South Tyrol: an underestimated phenomenon?

What does the European Union think about secessionist movements?



What does the European Union think about secessionist movements?

Independentist movements and EU institutions are the focus of the Annual Minority Rights Lecture

“L‘integrazione è ancora un tema marginale in Alto Adige”



“L‘integrazione è ancora un tema marginale in Alto Adige”

Molte iniziative, ma nessuna pianificazione vincolante – uno studio di Eurac Research ha analizzato la politica di integrazione in Alto Adige

Ragione e sentimento nell’Antropocene: perché abbiamo bisogno di integrare arte e scienza per un futuro sostenibileScience Blog
Science Blog

Ragione e sentimento nell’Antropocene: perché abbiamo bisogno di integrare arte e ...

Giulia IsettiGiulia Isetti
Pride and prejudice sui generis



Pride and prejudice sui generis

Why does the topic of gender identity inflame minds? A conversation between the disciplines

The “Fake News” System



The “Fake News” System

Disinformation is gradually seeping into public discourse and endangering our democracy. Elisa Piras digs deep into the media quagmire, meticulously scouring the literature and ...

Making democracy crisis-proof



Making democracy crisis-proof

What can states learn from Covid-19?

Die Transformation der BegegnungskulturScience Blog
Science Blog

Die Transformation der Begegnungskultur

Klaus-Heiner RöhlKlaus-Heiner Röhl
“Condizioni di partenza eque fanno la differenza”



“Condizioni di partenza eque fanno la differenza”

Per la prima volta uno studio fornisce ampi dati sulla mobilità sociale in Alto Adige. Li spiega il socioeconomista Felix Windegger.

Il multiculturalismo è una risorsa per la sostenibilità sociale?Science Blog
Science Blog

Il multiculturalismo è una risorsa per la sostenibilità sociale?

Elena RighiElena Righi
How overturning Roe v Wade may cost Republicans the midtermsScience Blog
Science Blog

How overturning Roe v Wade may cost Republicans the midterms

Zoe Krueger WeiselZoe Krueger Weisel
Recognition: Raising Indigenous and minority voices



Recognition: Raising Indigenous and minority voices

On the frontlines of climate change, Indigenous peoples are often confronted with the degradation of their environments and thereby their livelihoods. In addition to these ...

"Shaping the future must be a social movement."



"Shaping the future must be a social movement."

An interview with Roland Benedikter, holder of the UNESCO Chair in "Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation" at Eurac Research.

Von marktfähiger zu weltfähiger InnovationScience Blog
Science Blog

Von marktfähiger zu weltfähiger Innovation

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller
"Our attitude toward the state is that of consumers"



"Our attitude toward the state is that of consumers"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with business economist Josef Bernhart and geographer Stefan Schneiderbauer.

"Where do we want to go?"



"Where do we want to go?"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with director of Eurac Research Stephan Ortner and geoecologist Marc Zebisch.

"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"



"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with Eurac Resarch President Roland Psenner and renewable energy expert Wolfram Sparber.

"Most of the time, those affected become the real experts"



"Most of the time, those affected become the real experts"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with economic geographer Thomas Streifeneder and lawyer Eva Maria Moar.

Dall’elettrotecnica al Covid, passando per Macondo



Dall’elettrotecnica al Covid, passando per Macondo

Come la terminologia ci semplifica la vita

„Es fällt schwer, die nötige Distanz zu finden“Science Blog
Science Blog

„Es fällt schwer, die nötige Distanz zu finden“

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller
Der harte Weg nach oben: Kann Südtirol Vorreiterin in Sachen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit sein?Science Blog
Science Blog

Der harte Weg nach oben: Kann Südtirol Vorreiterin in Sachen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit ...

Roland BenedikterRoland Benedikter
"Il turismo può funzionare solo se è sostenuto dalla popolazione"



"Il turismo può funzionare solo se è sostenuto dalla popolazione"

Programma provinciale per lo sviluppo del turismo 2030+

Edipo siamo noi: Warum wir aufhören müssen, uns als Krönung der Schöpfung zu betrachtenScience Blog
Science Blog

Edipo siamo noi: Warum wir aufhören müssen, uns als Krönung der Schöpfung zu ...

Geo-economics of the Russian invasion of UkraineScience Blog
Science Blog

Geo-economics of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Bartosz Stefan MichalskiBartosz Stefan Michalski
L’errore che intriga



L’errore che intriga

Giornata mondiale della lingua madre: due chiacchiere con chi la studia

Per salvarci dalla crisi climatica ci serve un sovrano illuminato. O forse no.Science Blog
Science Blog

Per salvarci dalla crisi climatica ci serve un sovrano illuminato. O forse no.

Giulia IsettiGiulia Isetti
The many faces of participationScience Blog
Science Blog

The many faces of participation

Von Ungleichheit und Umverteilung: Ein Gespräch mit Barbara Unmüßig über die Notwendigkeit eines WandelsScience Blog
Science Blog

Von Ungleichheit und Umverteilung: Ein Gespräch mit Barbara Unmüßig über die ...

Keine Innovation ohne soziale EnergieScience Blog
Science Blog

Keine Innovation ohne soziale Energie

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller
The creative side of South Tyrol Science Blog
Science Blog

The creative side of South Tyrol

Eleonora PsennerEleonora Psenner
Die Moral in der Maschine: Warum wir eine digitale Ethik brauchenScience Blog
Science Blog

Die Moral in der Maschine: Warum wir eine digitale Ethik brauchen

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller


Erinnerungskultur: Zeitzeuginnen und Zeitzeugen gesucht!

Auf Podcast-Reihe zur Option folgt Bürgerbeteiligungsinitiative

Ein Blick nach China: Zurück in der Normalität?Science Blog
Science Blog

Ein Blick nach China: Zurück in der Normalität?

Wei Manske-WangWei Manske-Wang
Nicht zuletzt durch die Coronakrise wurden die Gegnerinnen Trumps wachgerüttelt und nochmals deutlich motiviert, zu den Wahlurnen zu gehen.Science Blog
Science Blog

Einer weniger

Mirjam GruberMirjam Gruber
Außen Alexa, innen Horst



Außen Alexa, innen Horst

Die Feminisierung von künstlicher Intelligenz ist nur die Spitze des Eisberges der Ungleichheit innerhalb der Robotik.

Raising the I.Q of Cities



Raising the I.Q of Cities

Peter Droege the internationally renowned urban sustainability expert shares his insights on the evolution of smart cities in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Revolutionen am Rande



Revolutionen am Rande

Liegt die Zukunft peripherer Regionen in sozialer Innovation?