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Den Lockdown gab’s doch überall, oder nicht?

Making democracy crisis-proof
What can states learn from Covid-19?

The Netherlands’ Pandemic Response Was Driven By Assumptions, Not Science

'Where do we want to go?'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with director of Eurac Research Stephan Ortner and geoecologist Marc Zebisch.

"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with Eurac Resarch President Roland Psenner and renewable energy expert Wolfram Sparber.

'We owe it to the global community'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with lawyer Marc Röggla and Asia expert Günther Cologna.

"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with neurologist Peter Pramstaller and electronic engineer Roberto Monsorno.

Should there be a push for more integration in EU health policy?

Research Award Alto Adige 2021 al medico ricercatore Simon Rauch

South Tyrol’s health system and Austria: more than cross-border cooperation?

Emocracy: an end or beginning?

Political communication and vaccination rates: Covid-19 insights from the US

Political communication and vaccination rates: Covid-19 insights from the US

Covid-19 in Val Gardena
Conclusa l'analisi dei dati sull'infezione

Covid-19: links between genes and disease severity
Bolzano research centre among institutions involved in a study to reveal human genome locations associated with Covid-19 severity

“Trust means having the same values and goals, but not necessarily following the same paths.”
Roberta Bottarin, Vice Director of Eurac Research, talks about how she experienced her role during the pandemic.

“In tempi come questi, divento una furia persino io”
Esperienze e impegno collettivo delle donne durante la pandemia di Covid-19

"Wait and see doesn't work!"
Eurac Research President, Roland Psenner, on lessons learned from the pandemic for the next global emergency - climate change.

Never a better time for open science

La ricerca non si è fermata: meno convegni, più progetti e più personale
Eurac Research presenta il bilancio di un anno di lavoro in pandemia

"What good is innovation if society falls apart?"
Stephan Ortner, director of Eurac Research, on the experience in and lessons learned from the pandemic
I dispositivi di protezione dal coronavirus non influiscono sulla qualità del massaggio cardiaco
Studio di Eurac Research e Croce Bianca

Parkinson-Kranke leiden in der Pandemie besonders
Ein Gespräch mit der Neurologin Susanne Büchner, Leiterin der Parkinson-Ambulanz Bozen

Representative democracy in Italy: the great absentee in the Covid-19 emergency

Pandora´s Box: The Roma minority and Covid-19

Il federalismo è un vantaggio per combattere la pandemia?
Francesco Palermo e Carolin Zwilling confrontano le esperienze di Italia e Germania.
Monitoraggio delle mutazioni di SARS-CoV-2
Eurac Research supporta l’Azienda sanitaria nel sequenziamento del genoma del virus
Tra scetticismo e solidarietà
Un sondaggio racconta la percezione del turismo in Alto Adige

Hold Still - The Bozen/Bolzano Lockdown
A photographic journey by Tiberio Sorvillo experiencing and emerging from a national quarantine in spring 2020.
Studio CHRIS Covid-19 in Venosta: in autunno contagiate quattro persone su cento
Prosegue il reclutamento dei partecipanti per ampliare la base di dati per la ricerca scientifica

Breaking the silence: the future of power-sharing in Belgium

The (weak) role of the Italian Parliament in the management of the health crisis

Test di responsabilità sociale. Un appello all’azione in Alto Adige

Cooperatives reloaded. Let’s own the digital world!

The condition of refugees in the pandemic era - Four questions for Susan Abulhawa

Sprache in der Pandemie: Die Linguistin Andrea Abel über Kriegsmetaphorik, Fake News und unser Corona-Vokabular

Pandemie der falschen Experten

„Mit unserer Forschung unterstützen wir Bürgermeister und Hausärzte beim Neustart“

Action and reaction: What Covid-19 can teach us about Italian regionalism

La scuola come bene comune