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The crux of memory in the Western Balkans

“Roma tende ad accentrare le decisioni”
Quanta autonomia digitale ha l’Alto Adige?

From 1972 ‘til now
The Autonomy Dashboard South Tyrol reflects the Autonomous Province in the mirror of statistics

'Beijing's goal is to turn young Tibetans Chinese'
An interview with the President of the Tibetan Government in Exile, Penpa Tsering.

Raccontarsi per cambiare la realtà: riflessioni sul concetto di autonomia narrativa

Examining the democratic principle of consensus in Canada, Scotland, Spain and Italy

What does the European Union think about secessionist movements?
Independentist movements and EU institutions are the focus of the Annual Minority Rights Lecture
![[IT] L’autonomismo friulano a sessant’anni dall’approvazione dello Statuto speciale della Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia]([format,compress]&cs=origin&dpr=1)
[IT] L’autonomismo friulano a sessant’anni dall’approvazione dello Statuto speciale della Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia

"20 years ago, people thought migration wasn’t an issue in South Tyrol"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with linguist Andrea Abel and lawyer Günther Rautz.

'We owe it to the global community'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with lawyer Marc Röggla and Asia expert Günther Cologna.

'It takes as long as it takes'
Why 'parachuted' peace agreements do not stand the test of time
![[DE] 50 Jahre Südtirol-Autonomie als Modell eines Vereinten Europa]([format,compress]&cs=origin&dpr=1)
[DE] 50 Jahre Südtirol-Autonomie als Modell eines Vereinten Europa

Showtime for South Tyrol's Autonomy
Celebrating a year of the Autonomy Experience. An interview with Center Director, Marc Röggla

When conflict is written in stone: Fascist legacy in South Tyrol

Elezioni in Catalogna: chi ha vinto veramente?
Alto Adige 2020
Erinnerungskultur: Zeitzeuginnen und Zeitzeugen gesucht!
Auf Podcast-Reihe zur Option folgt Bürgerbeteiligungsinitiative
![[DE] Schwächt Covid-19 Italiens Regionen? Die Frage ist, ob die krisenbedingte Zentralisierung sich verfestigt.]([format,compress]&cs=origin&dpr=1)
[DE] Schwächt Covid-19 Italiens Regionen? Die Frage ist, ob die krisenbedingte Zentralisierung sich verfestigt.

Schwächt Covid-19 Italiens Regionen? Die Frage ist, ob die krisenbedingte Zentralisierung sich verfestigt.