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The crux of memory in the Western Balkans

The European Commission begins the 2024-2029 institutional cycle amid multiple questions

Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Social movements and subnational income inequality: Contributions to the comparative study of two Argentine provinces

One way or another: How local governments go digital

Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

The impact of local government on more sustainable transportation in Germany

Insights on civic participation from Switzerland

Exploring the right of minorities to participation: Lessons from Karakalpakstan Protests

UK Election results explained by Marcus Nicolson

Intermediate cities key to regional competitiveness?

Federalism: A Balancing Act

Let them eat bacon? Exploring the subnational positive effects of pork barrel politics in the Brazilian context

Independent at last: the story of Usansolo or when the rules are for sale

The Controversial Dawn: Javier Milei's First 100 Days

The Digitalization process in Italy: the impact on Regional Autonomy

Forging connections
15 years on, how the Winter School on Federalism and Governance has created a transboundary, transdisciplinary, and lasting network.

Examining the democratic principle of consensus in Canada, Scotland, Spain and Italy

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France

Income inequality in the Argentine provinces

E-health: obligation or opportunity?

Making democracy crisis-proof
What can states learn from Covid-19?

Death by a thousand cuts
Interview with Environment Lawyer and Federal Scholar in Residence Rebecca Nelson.

Tra campi da basket e dottori volanti

Il federalismo è un vantaggio per combattere la pandemia?
Francesco Palermo e Carolin Zwilling confrontano le esperienze di Italia e Germania.

Elezioni in Catalogna: chi ha vinto veramente?
Erinnerungskultur: Zeitzeuginnen und Zeitzeugen gesucht!
Auf Podcast-Reihe zur Option folgt Bürgerbeteiligungsinitiative