Eurach Research


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The crux of memory in the Western Balkans

The crux of memory in the Western Balkans

Leonardo TorelliLeonardo Torelli
Making democracy crisis-proof

Making democracy crisis-proof

What can states learn from Covid-19?

Sport in montagna
risk management

Sport in montagna

Quale è la percezione del rischio e la preparazione di chi lo pratica?

Il multiculturalismo è una risorsa per la sostenibilità sociale?

Il multiculturalismo è una risorsa per la sostenibilità sociale?

Elena RighiElena Righi
'We owe it to the global community'

'We owe it to the global community'

Conversations between disciplines: interview with lawyer Marc Röggla and Asia expert Günther Cologna.

'Democracy is risky'
open science

'Democracy is risky'

Conversations between disciplines: interview with limnologist Roberta Bottarin and constitutionalist Francesco Palermo.

The fight against climate change: a matter for subnational governments!

The fight against climate change: a matter for subnational governments!

Federica CittadinoFederica Cittadino
Il federalismo è un vantaggio per combattere la pandemia?

Il federalismo è un vantaggio per combattere la pandemia?

Francesco Palermo e Carolin Zwilling confrontano le esperienze di Italia e Germania.

Corruption and violation: suppression of press freedom and justice in the Western Balkans

Corruption and violation: suppression of press freedom and justice in the Western Balkans

Letizia Storchi - Lo SpiegoneLetizia Storchi - Lo Spiegone

Alto Adige 2020

Rule of Law in the Western Balkans: Between honesty and government control

Rule of Law in the Western Balkans: Between honesty and government control

Letizia Storchi - Lo SpiegoneLetizia Storchi - Lo Spiegone
Achtung: Deine Stadt spioniert dich aus
smart cities

Achtung: Deine Stadt spioniert dich aus

Smart Cities und die Herausforderung Datenschutz

“C’è stato un miglioramento, ma non perdiamo di vista l’obiettivo”

“C’è stato un miglioramento, ma non perdiamo di vista l’obiettivo”

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
The 14th of all EU-r rights: education and how the Charter contributes

The 14th of all EU-r rights: education and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
Per aspera ad astra: The peaceful fight for freedom and democracy in Belarus

Per aspera ad astra: The peaceful fight for freedom and democracy in Belarus

Irina IokhnoIrina Iokhno
Covid-19 in Kurdistan: A Small Fish in a Big Pond

Covid-19 in Kurdistan: A Small Fish in a Big Pond

Abdullah Omar YassenAbdullah Omar Yassen
Minoranze e nazionalismi ‘virati’

Minoranze e nazionalismi ‘virati’

Andrea CarlàAndrea Carlà
Emergenza sanitaria e libertà fondamentali: facciamo il punto

Emergenza sanitaria e libertà fondamentali: facciamo il punto

Caterina BortolasoCaterina Bortolaso
The 10th of all EU-r rights: the freedom of conscience, thought, religion and how the Charter contributes

The 10th of all EU-r rights: the freedom of conscience, thought, religion and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
Natur und gesunde Lebensumwelt in der Stadt: Ein (planbares) Grundrecht?

Natur und gesunde Lebensumwelt in der Stadt: Ein (planbares) Grundrecht?

Sonia GantiolerSonia Gantioler
Il o la COVID-19? Dell’articolo non v’è certezza... o forse sì?

Il o la COVID-19? Dell’articolo non v’è certezza... o forse sì?

Natascia RalliNatascia Ralli
The 8th of all EU-r rights: Data protection and how the Charter contributes

The 8th of all EU-r rights: Data protection and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
Einsprachiges Covid-19: Über den Wert von Minderheitenmedien

Einsprachiges Covid-19: Über den Wert von Minderheitenmedien

Marc RögglaMarc Röggla
A journey towards Mother Earth: Listening to Indigenous voices in the Covid-19 pandemic

A journey towards Mother Earth: Listening to Indigenous voices in the Covid-19 pandemic

Alexandra TomaselliAlexandra Tomaselli
Refugee Relocation: Nationalist Isolation or European Solidarity?

Refugee Relocation: Nationalist Isolation or European Solidarity?

Abdullah Omar YassenAbdullah Omar Yassen
Us vs Them: A Game of Mirrors

Us vs Them: A Game of Mirrors

Roberta Medda-WindischerRoberta Medda-Windischer
The 7th of all EU-r rights: Private life and how the Charter contributes

The 7th of all EU-r rights: Private life and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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