migrations & diversities
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What does “integration” mean in a city like Innsbruck? Insights into a local scientific debate

Honoring diversity
Elevating migrant voices

“Io credo nell’America”: l’esperienza migratoria italiana verso gli USA

East, west, is home the best? Eastern European immigrant women in northern Italy in the care sector: the impact of origins on the right to work

Aus dem Auge, aus dem Sinn? Die italienischen Rückführungszentren in Albanien als Instrument der Externalisierung der Migrationspolitik

“It doesn’t have to be dystopian!” Rethinking migration as a solution in the face of climate change

Convivenza sui Mezzi Pubblici: un Viaggio tra Integrazione e Confini Invisibili

Aree Rurali e Partecipazione: Cosa Cercare?

Echoes of Empire: The Resilience of Russian in Central Asia

Teachers’ Roles in Integration of Migrant Students: Lessons Learned from Scotland, Finland and Sweden

Selektiv-inklusiv? Die Repräsentation von Kandidierenden mit Migrationshintergrund in politischen Parteien in Südtirol

Sotto la Superficie: Riflessioni sulle Politiche di Esternalizzazione delle Frontiere Europee

Radical right voters’ grievances over immigration, feminism and LGBTQI+ rights

Il limbo dell’esclusione abitativa nell'esperienza migrante

Ontological Security and Migration Politics: A Critical Perspective

How Frontex Frames Non-Rescue as Humanitarian

Come percepisce la diversità chi lavora in un'impresa?
Storia grafica - uno studio sul diversity management in Alto Adige

“L‘integrazione è ancora un tema marginale in Alto Adige”
Molte iniziative, ma nessuna pianificazione vincolante – uno studio di Eurac Research ha analizzato la politica di integrazione in Alto Adige

Taking advantage of vulnerability: migrant workers in the Tuscan countryside

Diasporic identities and the shadow of nation-states. The case of the Pontian Greeks

Migration: Der Weg in die Selbstständigkeit

Voluntarily and Involuntarily Immobile Farmers under the Impacts of Climate Crisis in Turkey

When "others" are an emergency
Research investigates the consequences of securitization processes of minorities and migrants. And looks for alternatives.

How Iran has just become the world's main host country for refugees

Pride and prejudice sui generis
Why does the topic of gender identity inflame minds? A conversation between the disciplines

“L’unicità di ogni persona può diventare un vantaggio per l’azienda”
Presentati i primi risultati di uno studio sul diversity management in Alto Adige

"20 years ago, people thought migration wasn’t an issue in South Tyrol"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with linguist Andrea Abel and lawyer Günther Rautz.