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Meeting C. elegans
How a tiny, wriggling worm is enabling discoveries into the mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease.
Parkinson’s research: new approaches for early detection
For the first time, markers have been identified at the cellular level that indicate mitochondrial defects even in the absence of physical symptoms

Risk factors for Parkinson’s disease: progress in research
A study proves the protective function of the RIT2 gene

Sense of smell as an early warning system for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Interview with neuroscientist Johannes Frasnelli

How altitude can impact neurological conditions
Recommendations for climbing at altitude

Il più difficile è il primo passo
Tre domande a Alessandra Zendron, presidente dell’Associazione altoatesina per il Parkinson

Den Geheimnissen von Parkinson auf der Spur
Wie Neurowissenschaft und Genforschung neue Erkenntnisse über gestörte Zellfunktionen gewinnen

Parkinson-Kranke leiden in der Pandemie besonders
Ein Gespräch mit der Neurologin Susanne Büchner, Leiterin der Parkinson-Ambulanz Bozen

Dossier Parkinson
Diagnosi, cure e la ricerca in Alto Adige
Parkinson Research: Important Protective Protein Discovered

Modelli di cellule 3D per studiare meglio il Parkinson
Il nuovo sistema semplifica il confronto tra cellule di persone sane e malate