Eurach Research

participatory democracy

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Keine Resignation! Ein Aufruf zu kollektivem Handeln

Keine Resignation! Ein Aufruf zu kollektivem Handeln

Linda GhirardelloLinda Ghirardello
Climate protection: Bold council advice
climate change & transformation

Climate protection: Bold council advice

What do citizens' climate assemblies demonstrate? An interview with a jurist and a climate scientist

Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Matteo BattistelliMatteo Battistelli
Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Weronika SkorupskaWeronika Skorupska
Insights on civic participation from Switzerland

Insights on civic participation from Switzerland

What effects does a participatory process have on the citizens?  The case of the first Euregio citizens’ council

What effects does a participatory process have on the citizens? The case of the first Euregio citizens’ council

Nicole ZambaniniNicole Zambanini
Do “first times” really matter?   Refreshing the main contents of the 2021-22 Chilean constitutional process and draft

Do “first times” really matter? Refreshing the main contents of the 2021-22 Chilean constitutional process and draft

Sofia RicciSofia Ricci
Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France

Verena RichardierVerena Richardier
Citizens’ Juries: A Democratic Courtroom for Informed Decision-Making

Citizens’ Juries: A Democratic Courtroom for Informed Decision-Making

Martina TrettelMartina Trettel
The Rise and Spread of Participatory Budgeting in European Cities

The Rise and Spread of Participatory Budgeting in European Cities

Martina TrettelMartina Trettel
'Democracy is risky'
open science

'Democracy is risky'

Conversations between disciplines: interview with limnologist Roberta Bottarin and constitutionalist Francesco Palermo.

Tra campi da basket e dottori volanti

Tra campi da basket e dottori volanti

Youth participation at the local level: Utopia or reality?

Youth participation at the local level: Utopia or reality?

Greta KlotzGreta Klotz

La partecipazione dei giovani nei Comuni alpini: utopia o realtà?



Alto Adige 2020

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
From the Citizens to the European Union – A deficit of (participatory) democracy?

From the Citizens to the European Union – A deficit of (participatory) democracy?

Uwe FrommUwe Fromm
"Hier und da" a Malles: mobilitazione locale, sfide globali

"Hier und da" a Malles: mobilitazione locale, sfide globali

Marzia BonaMarzia Bona
Kunst und Kultur bewegen Forschung, Wirtschaft, Bildung – von der Dorf- zur EU Gemeinschaft

Kunst und Kultur bewegen Forschung, Wirtschaft, Bildung – von der Dorf- zur EU Gemeinschaft

Eleonora PsennerEleonora Psenner

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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