participatory democracy
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Keine Resignation! Ein Aufruf zu kollektivem Handeln

Climate protection: Bold council advice
What do citizens' climate assemblies demonstrate? An interview with a jurist and a climate scientist

Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Insights on civic participation from Switzerland

What effects does a participatory process have on the citizens? The case of the first Euregio citizens’ council

Do “first times” really matter? Refreshing the main contents of the 2021-22 Chilean constitutional process and draft

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France

Citizens’ Juries: A Democratic Courtroom for Informed Decision-Making

The Rise and Spread of Participatory Budgeting in European Cities

'Democracy is risky'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with limnologist Roberta Bottarin and constitutionalist Francesco Palermo.

Tra campi da basket e dottori volanti

Youth participation at the local level: Utopia or reality?

La partecipazione dei giovani nei Comuni alpini: utopia o realtà?
Alto Adige 2020

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

From the Citizens to the European Union – A deficit of (participatory) democracy?

"Hier und da" a Malles: mobilitazione locale, sfide globali

Kunst und Kultur bewegen Forschung, Wirtschaft, Bildung – von der Dorf- zur EU Gemeinschaft