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Interview with CAI K2-70 expedition climbers

Interview with the CAI K2-70 doctors

At the limits of perception
Human sensory capabilities are being tested at terraXcube to find out

To K2!
A project by Eurac Research is investigating the physiology of eight female mountaineers on their way to climb the second highest mountain on Earth

Can science explain mountaineering?
Studies on human physiology often accompany great mountaineering feats, however the results of these studies are at times, contradicted by reality.

How far can perception go?
Human sensory capabilities are being tested at terraXcube to find out

Patente Lösung
Weil es das Gerät, das sie für eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung brauchten, nicht gab, bauten zwei Forscher es kurzerhand selber. Und eröffneten damit ein neues Forschungsfeld.

Recommendations for suspension syndrome
After testing 20 climbers, the results are in

Getting inside the heads of avalanche victims
Simulated avalanches enable observation of brain oxygenation under snow