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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Public Lecture: Brave new world – the digital transformation process from a gender perspective


Public Lecture: Brave new world – the digital transformation process from a gender perspective

To what extent does digitalisation promote participation in the labour market and in society from a gender perspective? Our Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse Global Fellow Irem Güney-Frahm will explore this and more questions in a public lecture.

    • Date: 23.06.2022, 11.00 CET
    • Place: Online on Zoom
    • Typology: Public Lecture

    Irem Güney-Frahm works primarily on questions of gender equality and globalization, international development, digitalization, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. She has studied economics, European studies and gender studies in Istanbul, Bath and Berlin. As one of our Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse Global Fellows, she will shed light on digitalisation as a social transformation from a gender perspective.

    The widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and digitalisation, accelerated not least by the Covid-19 pandemic, are changing our world. This societal change affects people differently depending on their gender, social status, ethnicity and/or physical and mental health. This lecture therefore takes a gender- and diversity-sensitive perspective and looks at the new opportunities and challenges that arise with the transformation process. For example, does e-government facilitate access to public life for women and men equally? To what extent do online educational opportunities promote participation in the labour market and in society from a gender perspective? How can digitalisation contribute to a more equitable distribution of unpaid work in the household? The lecture conceptualises this social change on three levels, the individual, community and societal level, shows the gender-related changes on each level and discusses them from a critical perspective using examples from the global North and South.

    Public Lecture

    Brave new world – the digital transformation process from a gender perspective

    23.06.2022 | 11.00 CET

    Questo contenuto è ospitato da una terza parte. Mostrando il contenuto esterno si accettano termini e condizioni.

    Schöne neue Welt. Der digitale Transformationsprozess aus Geschlechterperspektive – Irem Güney-Frahm

    Irem Güney-Frahm

    Irem Güney-Frahm studied in Istanbul, Bath and Berlin and has a disciplinary background in economics (Bachelor), European studies (Masters) and gender studies (PhD). Her work focuses on gender equality and globalization, international development, digitalization, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. As researcher and lecturer, Dr. Güney-Frahm has had stints at the Humboldt University Berlin, University of Edinburgh, University of St Gallen, ETH Zurich, Berlin School of Economics and Law, and Leuphana University Lüneburg. She also worked as researcher for the German Government's Third Gender Equality Report (2021).

    About the Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse Global Fellowship

    Each year, two Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse Global Fellowships are awarded. The Fellows are offered the opportunity to work closely with the interdisciplinary team at the Center for Advanced Studies on topics of both global and glocal relevance, linking personal experiences and research and chosen geopolitical areas with the Center’s expertise. Our Fellows 2022 are Irem Güney-Frahm and Steven Umbrello.

    The Global Fellowships are funded by the
    Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse / Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano.


    Eurac Research
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Drususallee 1 / Viale Druso 1
    39100 Bozen / Bolzano
    T +39 0471 055 801

    Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse
    Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano
    Talfergasse 18 / Via Talvera 18
    39100 Bozen / Bolzano
    T +39 0471 316 000

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