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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - The reciprocal effects of religion and spirituality on globalization

12 gennaio 22

The reciprocal effects of religion and spirituality on globalization

A comprehensive overview of religion in the age of Re-Globalization

    Credit: Eurac Research

    What is the impact of religion and spirituality in our changing world? Roland Benedikter, Co-Head of the Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research, explores a "re-globalizing" understanding of religion and spirituality by the means of twenty-one trends, spanning the disciplines of economics, politics, culture, demography, and technology. This “big-picture” approach is illustrated by a vast variety of case studies, making the book ideally apt not only for researchers but also the classroom.

    The purpose of religion is to re-late (re-ligio) our present to the past and change to firm ground. Religion in our time interacts with cultural, social, and political developments, not only mirroring global change but also driving it. The oftentimes tumultuous contemporary processes of re-imagining globalization - leading to the current geopolitical phase of "re-globalization" – in turn create the need for stability and security, which triggers a new request for spirituality and religion.

    By exploring trends such as the spread of government-affiliated religions, religious self-liberalization in developing countries or the unprecedented rise of religious and spiritual tourism, this book delves deep into questions of the global future of religion. Providing a broad overview of the timely transformation patterns of religion through specific case studies, the book is aimed at researchers and students, grassroots activists and experts alike.

    The publication “Religion in the Age of Re-Globalization. A Brief Introduction” was published by Palgrave Macmillan and is part of the Culture and Religion in International Relations book series. The publication is available HERE.

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