Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Understanding Globalization - Key Questions for Regional Politics
Understanding Globalization - Key Questions for Regional Politics
Where is the world going? What role do regions play? The Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research invites renowned experts from South Tyrol and abroad to discuss the future of globalization and the challenges it poses for the regions.
- Date: 14-15.05.2019
- Place: Eurac Research
- Typology: Scientific conference
- Info:
Globalization is stagnating - or at least it is changing its face. The global economy is no longer growing as fast as before, states are increasingly orienting themselves towards the national level and trade agreements are breaking down. Worldwide social imbalances intensify dissatisfaction, migration flows increase. Global forms of terrorism, shifting political power constellations and wars increase insecurity and fear. Climate change and shrinking resources threaten the ecological equilibrium. Rapid technological development is changing familiar norms, values and limits.
Many of these forces and processes no longer seem manageable; it is increasingly difficult to understand the world as a whole. Where is the world going? What role do the regions play in this? What does this process mean for South Tyrol? The Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research invited renowned experts from South Tyrol and abroad to discuss the future of globalization and the challenges it poses for the regions.
Here you can find the videos of the conference:
Roland Benedikter: Wie können wir die aktuelle Phase der Globalisierung verstehen? Was bedeutet sie für Südtirol?
Michael Curtin: Global Dynamics Today. A short introduction in the present phase of globalization
Henning Vöpel: Technologische und geopolitische Veränderungen in der heutigen Weltwirtschaft und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft
Dominic Sachsenmaier: Weltmächte und Zivilisationen: Welche Veränderungen ergeben sich aus den aktuellen Machtverschiebungen?
Manfred Steger: Globalization and the Populist Challenge. The Significance of Ideas in Today‘s World
Sunghoon Park: The Current Phase of Globalization. An Asian View from South Korea
Marina Glaser Kukartseva: Globalization Today. The Russian View
Cuno Tarfusser, Herbert Dorfmann, Eva Lichtenberger, Krzysztof Ruchniewicz: What do current globalization processes imply for South Tyrol?
Eurac Research
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