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Center for Advanced Studies - Cattedra UNESCO - News & Events - Workshop with Riel Miller, pioneer of UNESCO Futures Literacy

22 maggio 23

Workshop with Riel Miller, pioneer of UNESCO Futures Literacy

The expert for Futures Studies teaches Futures Literacy at Eurac Research

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Riel Miller (fourth from right) with the participants of the workshop "Introduction to Futures Literacy and Futures Literacy Labs"Credit: Eurac Research

Riel Miller is one of the leading global authorities on Futures Studies, Futures Science and Futures Literacy. He recently visited South Tyrol at the invitation of the UNESCO Chair for Anticipation and Transformation at the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research to explain the concept and the implementation of Futures Literacy Laboratories.

Riel Miller has developed Futures Literacy – using the future to change what people see and do - as a nascent scientific discipline for both the OECD and then for UNESCO. In this 1-day seminar, Miller introduced Future Studies explaining where the field currently stands, how Futures Literacy should be conceived, and how we can deal with actual and potential futures in more fruitful, practical and participatory ways. This included the question of how Futures Studies can proceed to become a Futures Science. In the second part of the seminar, Riel showed examples of Futures Literacy Laboratories – real world futures laboratories or “Reallabore” – and how they should be set up. Futures Literacy Labs are - according to the expert - collective intelligence knowledge creation processes that invite participants to take a structured learning voyage through why and how they imagine the future.

“Futures capability it's not a methodology”, Riel Miller explained. “It is the capacity to understand that there are different kinds of futures, different methods for imagining the future, different uses and different impacts of using the future.” The seminar showed how transformation, Futures Science and Futures Literacy are increasingly interconnected and how one should not be practiced without the other. In South Tyrol, too, the implementation of future laboratories is planned.

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