Mobility Management

Management della mobilitá aziendale

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A Mobility Management plan is a complex multi-step process that involves different actors. It starts with a preliminary phase of analysis, which aims to obtain all the information necessary to have a complete vision of the current framework (e.g. normative and legislative issues, transport demand and supply). The active involvement of the potential users is forecasted from the beginning. These two phases are propaedeutic to the diagnostic phase, which determines the main problems to be faced. The core project phase proposes the most appropriate solutions. The Mobility Manager can adopt a vast set of measures, normally included among those that encourage the use of alternative transport systems (“pull-measures”) or those that discourage the use of private vehicles (“push measures”). In parallel a territorial coordination phase is ongoing, where the Mobility Manager of each Enterprise discusses the technical aspects in accordance with the local responsible for the public transport and the Mobility Manager of the area in order to optimize the efforts and to connect with other initiatives under realization or in planning in nearby areas. The last phase of the plan includes the implementation and monitoring activities, which is about putting into practice the measures and the subsequent control that their performance are made according to the indications provided by the plan.

Our partners
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  • Ecoistituto Alto Adige

Project Team
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Federico Cavallaro

Federico Cavallaro

Vice Manager
Giulia Sommacal

Giulia Sommacal

Team Member


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