Eurach Research


Soluzioni di trasporto pubblico sostenibile e schemi di governance innovativi per migliorare la connettività in Europa Centrale


    Il progetto SUSTANCE aiuta a risolvere la mancanza di soluzioni di trasporto pubblico efficienti e sostenibili nelle aree periferiche e transfrontaliere dell'Europa Centrale, che nell'ultimo decennio hanno registrato un aumento significativo della mobilità, soprattutto a livello transfrontaliero. Infatti, i cittadini che vivono in aree scarsamente popolate condividono le stesse sfide per quanto riguarda la mancanza di soluzioni per il trasporto pubblico di passeggeri che portano a una crescente dipendenza dalla mobilità individuale e dai veicoli privati.


    The 1st Newsletter is out! The SUSTANCE Project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, through Interreg Central Europe Programme. The project involves eight partners from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. Its goal is to promote more efficient and sustainable public transport solutions for the peripheral and remote areas of Central Europe.

    The 2nd Newsletter of the SUSTANCE project, financed by Interreg Central Europe is out! Here you find news regarding the accessibility assessment performed in the project, the first round of stakeholder involvement, and the upcoming launch of the pilot actions.

    The 3rd Newsletter of the SUSTANCE project, financed by Interreg Central Europe is out! Here you find news regarding several aspects of the project.

    SUSTANCE Brochure

    Find the latest brochure ready to be downloaded here. The document in other languages is available on the official project website.

    Pendolari invisibili oltre i confini
    Dianin A, Chizzali C (2024)

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    The Railway accessibility of peripheral areas to the TEN-T network: a case study in the Alps
    Dianin A, Chizzali C (2024)

    Conference: 26th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2024) | Lund | 4.9.2024 - 6.9.2024

    Project Partners
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      Centro di Iniziativa Europeo

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      Slovenske železnice-Potniški promet, d.o.o.

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      Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút Zrt.

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      Prometni institut Ljubljana d.o.o.

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      HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o.

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      Istrian development agency – IDA ltd.

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      Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation


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    view all

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