climate change

Why Empowering Communities is Key to Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Sexismus in der Klimadebatte hat System

“It doesn’t have to be dystopian!” Rethinking migration as a solution in the face of climate change

Ricomincio da me: come contribuire alla trasformazione ecologica

Leugnen, lügen, ignorieren: Die rhetorischen Taktiken rechtsradikaler Parteien in der Klimadebatte

The A Sud v. Italy Case after the KlimaSeniorinnen Judgment Implications of the ECtHR’s Decision for Climate Litigation in Italy

Ragione e sentimento nell’Antropocene: perché abbiamo bisogno di integrare arte e scienza per un futuro sostenibile

Das Patriarchat am Steuer der Klimakrise

Does climate change integration matter in subnational policies? Challenges and solutions in Italian and Austrian cases