Eurach Research

Lecture Series on Social-Ecological Transformation - 2024 Edition

This lecture series explores and reflects on theoretical and methodological approaches to the profound societal transformation needed for addressing the multiple crises of our society, environment, and economy.

    • Date: 12.09-30.10.2024
    • Place: Eurac Research
    • Typology: Public Lectures
    • Info: |

    The lecture series aims at exploring and reflecting on theoretical and methodological approaches to the profound societal transformation needed for addressing the multiple crises of our society, environment, and economy. The goal of the lectures is to better understand the processes of transformative change while focusing on the governance and politics of transformation, the role of social scientists in transformation processes as well as societal conflicts and inequalities that can emerge from them.

    The lectures are open to researchers, academics and students, practitioners, policy makers and all interested members of the public.

    The series is organized by the Center for Climate Change and Transformation and the Center for Advanced Studies within the framework of the "Transformation pathways" project.

    12.09.2024 | Transformation and conflict: exploring the dynamics of social and ecological change


    Welcome and introduction

    Felix Windegger, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research


    From ‘too little, too late’ to a climate policy backlash? The conflict field of socialecological transformation

    Bernd Sommer, Professor of Environmental Sociology with a focus on transformation research at the Faculty of Social Sciences at TU Dortmund University

    With the Paris Agreement in 2015, international steps were taken to limit anthropogenic climate change. In the following years, climate mitigation programs and corresponding laws were enacted at various levels – from the EU to local municipalities. Although climate activists continued to criticize the ambition of many measures, the direction seemed right. Recently, however, climate protection has faced setbacks due to the rise of right-wing populist parties and diverse protests. This lecture analyzes the conflict field of social-ecological transformation, focusing on arenas like energy supply, mobility, and nutrition. Central to these are socio-economic distribution conflicts, disputes over lifestyle issues, and spatial conflicts. The lecture concludes with a social science perspective on these conflicts and their role for societal change.


    Crisis and eco-social transformation: a critical perspective from everyday life

    Alice Dal Gobbo, Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento

    Interest in everyday practices and initiatives for eco-social transformation is surging. Despite critiques of the individualized and privatized approaches typical of neoliberal governance, recent studies highlight the importance of coming to grips with this elusive and yet foundational sphere. Research has focused, for instance, on prefigurative and new-materialist movements, as well as everyday practices and assemblages. This literature underscores the importance of concretizing new forms of socio-ecological relations alongside more contentious forms of politics. However, in assessing the transformative potential of daily practices, issues of justice must be considered: Who defines the sustainability agenda? Who is most visible? Who bears the burden of care and transformation?


    Open discussion

    Further info

    Moderation: Felix Windegger, Eurac Research
    Language: English (no translation will be provided)
    Place: Eurac Research, Seminar Room 2-3
    Registration: no registration required

    30.10.2024 | Transdisciplinary research for/on climate change: reflections on societal transformations and transformative potentials


    Welcome and introduction

    Marc Zebisch and Elisa Ravazzoli, Head and Vice head of the Center for Climate Change and Transformation, Eurac Research


    Knowledge production in times of crises: transdisciplinary research approaches for socio-ecological transformations

    Marianne Penker, Professor of Rural Sociology and Rural Development at BOKU University

    In the midst of multiple crises, this presentation delves into the theme of knowledge production and integration for socio-ecological transformations. It scrutinizes the challenges arising from incomplete and disputed knowledge, compounded by the urgency to act in a context where trust in science is low. Examples from transdisciplinary research projects will shed light on practical approaches for the co-production and integration of knowledge. The argument presented emphasizes the significance of scientific debates in addressing various gaps within literature on transdisciplinarity. As trust in science is key - particularly in times of crises, the presentation emphasizes the importance of navigating these challenges with robust research approaches that contribute meaningfully to both scientific and societal problems.


    Visual and creative methods for transformative science: possibilities, challenges, and ethical dilemmas

    Angela Moriggi Marie Curie Individual Fellow at the Dept. of Land, Environment,Agriculture & Forestry, University of Padua

    Visual and creative methods are increasingly recognized as essential tools for driving both knowledge innovation and socio-ecological change within transdisciplinary and transformative science. This talk explores the potentials, challenges, and ethical dimensions of the use of these methods, drawing from Dr. Moriggi’s recent research and educational experiences. By sharing practical insights and fostering critical reflection, the presentation will address key issues such as assessment, reflexivity, relational and systemic knowledge, and the evolving role of researchers.


    Open discussion



    Further info

    Moderation: Elisa Ravazzoli, Eurac Research
    Language: English (no translation will be provided)
    Place: Eurac Research, Seminar Room 1-2-3
    Registration: registration required at this link no later than September 27

    Bernd Sommer

    Bernd Sommer is Professor of Environmental Sociology with a focus on transformation research at the Faculty of Social Sciences at TU Dortmund University. Before assuming his current role, Prof. Sommer served as a consultant at the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and directed the Norbert Elias Center for Transformation Design & Research (NEC) at the European University of Flensburg. In his current work, Prof. Sommer explores the radical right’s relationship to nature with an empirical focus on the climate crisis.

    Alice Dal Gobbo

    Alice Dal Gobbo is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento. In her work, rooted in the critical traditions of neo-Marxism, ecofeminism, and new materialism, Dal Gobbo analyzes the social and political transformations required to address the current multiple crises, thereby bringing feminist political ecology debates to an empirical setting. She was recently involved in the European project “Sustainable Food Platforms: Enabling Sustainable Food Practices through Socio-Technical Innovation,” which explored the impacts of socio-technical innovations on food consumption practices and their potential to promote sustainability.

    Marianne Penker

    Marianne Penker is Professor of Rural Sociology and Rural Development at BOKU University. Prof. Marianne Penker is committed to inter- and transdisciplinary science to support transformative solutions in rural areas of Europe and beyond. For the EU Commission, she co-authored the SAPEA report on sustainable food systems and presented the key findings to the EU Parliament.

    Angela Moriggi

    Angela Moriggi is Marie Curie Individual Fellow at the Dept. of Land, Environment, Agriculture & Forestry, University of Padua. Angela Moriggi is a social scientist working for transdisciplinary sustainability projects since 2013 and she is currently a Marie Curie Individual Fellow with the VERVE (Co-creative Visioning procEsses for tRansformative social innoVation in rural arEas) project. She is co-founder of Re.imaginary, a database of arts-based methods for regenerative sustainability, and co-creator of Once Upon the Future, a children’s book on place-based transformations.

    More details about the lecture series and the agenda are available here below:


    Eurac Research
    Drususallee 1/Viale Druso 1
    39100 Bozen/Bolzano

    Center for Climate Change and Transformation
    T +39 0471 055700

    Center for Advanced Studies
    T +39 0471 055 801

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