Eurach Research

Lecture Series on Social-Ecological Transformation

This lecture series explores and reflects on theoretical and methodological approaches to the profound societal transformation needed for addressing the multiple crises of our society, environment, and economy.

    • Date: 05.09-16.10.2023
    • Place: Eurac Research
    • Typology: Lecture series
    • Info:

    Credit: Eurac Research | Oscar Diodoro

    The lecture series on social-ecological transformation aims at exploring and reflecting on theoretical and methodological approaches to the profound societal transformation needed for addressing the multiple crises of our society, environment, and economy. The goal of the lectures is to better understand the processes of transformative change while focusing on the governance and politics of transformation, the role of social scientists in transformation processes and on the conflicting concepts and imaginaries of transformation expressed therein.

    The lectures are open to a diverse audience, including researchers, academics and students, practitioners, policy makers and all interested members of the public.

    The in-presence lectures will be held in the speaker’s choice of language. Further information can be found under the program for each event.

    The series is organised by the Center for Climate Change and Transformation and the Center for Advanced Studies within the framework of the project "Transformation pathways".



    10:00-10:30 | Welcome and introduction
    Marc Zebisch and Elisa Ravazzoli, Head and Vice head of the Center for Climate Change and Transformation, Eurac Research

    The Science-policy interface and transformative change
    Monika Berg, Associate Professor in sociology at Örebro University (Sweden)

    Embracing care and sufficiency: paving the path for transformative changes
    Sara Karimzadeh, post-doctoral fellow at Örebro University (Sweden)

    Moderation: Elisa Ravazzoli, Eurac Research
    Language: English (no translation will be provided)
    Place: Eurac Research, Seminar Room 2-3


    Transformation – ein umkämpfter Begriff? | Trasformazione – un concetto conteso?

    17:00-17:10 | Welcome
    Harald Pechlaner, Head of the Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research

    17:10-18:10 | Lectures
    Sighard Neckel, Professor of Social Analysis and Social Change, University of Hamburg
    Silke Beck, Professor of Sociology of Science, Technical University of Munich
    Giuseppe Feola, Associate Professor of Social Change for Sustainability, Utrecht University

    18:10-19:00 | Panel discussion and interaction with the audience

    Moderation: Harald Pechlaner, Eurac Research
    Languages: German and Italian (with translation)
    Place: Eurac Research, Conference Hall

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    Credit: Eurac Research

    Sighard Neckel, Professor of Social Analysis and Social Change, University of HamburgCredit: Eurac Research

    Silke Beck, Professor of Sociology of Science, Technical University of MunichCredit: Eurac Research

    Giuseppe Feola, Associate Professor of Social Change for Sustainability, Utrecht UniversityCredit: Eurac Research

    Elisa Ravazzoli, Vice head of the Center for Climate Change and Transformation, Eurac ResearchCredit: Eurac Research

    Harald Pechlaner, Head of the Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac ResearchCredit: Eurac Research

    Credit: Eurac Research

    Credit: Eurac Research

    Credit: Eurac Research

    Credit: Eurac Research


    Eurac Research
    Drususallee 1/Viale Druso 1
    39100 Bozen/Bolzano

    Center for Climate Change and Transformation
    T +39 0471 055700

    Center for Advanced Studies
    T +39 0471 055 801

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